To be perfectly honest i can't really remember what has happened on my walks lately. Most have been short ones of no real interest. I have seen the heron a few times.
Today i walked to get my magazine. I came across some cows who were very shy apart from one. It came over to the fence and had a good sniff of my hand with its very wet nose. I obviously don't smell nice as it then promptly walked off. I did manage to briefly stroke its head.
At the shop i bought a latte to go with my magazine. I thought i would treat myself as i hadn't had one in a while and very nice it was too. I timed my visit to the shop very badly as school had just finished so the shop proceeded to be filled with little people. I quickly made my escape.
I stopped at the garage to book my MOT and nose at the jet ski on the forecourt. They are bigger than i expected. Well i don't really know what i expected but i did discover that they are bloody noisy.
On my way home the skies were a mass of black. I had my umbrella with me but i hoped i didn't have to use it. I walked at a fair pace in the hope that i wouldn't get soaked. I'm not sure i can walk faster than a rain cloud. Would you believe it i got home with only a few drops of rain landing on me. I honestly thought i was in for a drenching.
Just down the road from my house i saw a butterfly on the road. When i crouched down i could see that half of its left wing had been torn off. I thought it was dead but gave it a poke and to my surprise it moved. Being the kind soul that i am a scooped it up and put it into a flowery bush. It would probably have been kinder and certainly a quicker death for it to be run over but nevermind. I think that was my good deed of the day.
In other news i saw a goth looking caterpillar. It had huge black spikes along it's back. I also rescued this from the middle of the road. Two good deeds.
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