After i wrote my blog on Sunday i decided to go for a walk. Not the most logical way of doing things i must admit.
It started out quite a nice walk. A fox ran out in front on me then quickly vanished when it saw me coming up the road. I hadn't seen any foxes and now i've seen two. Do you think it would work if i said i haven't seen any £50 notes lately? Wishful thinking. After the fox two bi-planes can spluttering overhead side by side. They were red and i wondered very very briefly what it would be like to wing walk. There is of course no way i will ever know because there isn't the money in the world that would make me do that. A strange thought that popped into my mind as they do. When i was coming down the hill a little dog started charging up the hill towards me. It was a shy little thing and went around me and carried on charging up the hill. A few minutes later i could hear the owner hollering it's name.
This is where things went slightly pear shaped for many reasons. As i was walking i noticed the stalky growly dog coming up the hill. I stopped and thought oh sugarcrumbs. This dog had already stalked me and run at me growling what the hell to do? The dog started coming up the hill and i walked very slowly looking away from it trying not to look a) a threat or b) scared. As we got closer the dog crossed over to the other side of the road and i started speaking in a nice voice as you should so i've found out after the incident. Just as i thought i was safe because we had passed the dog came charging at me teeth and all and went to bite. It was barking, growling, snarling and all i thought was get the hell out of there. It took all my energy not to run. I was shaking like a leaf and almost in tears and i didn't dare look back in case it was following me. Eventually i turned around and it had gone. I got to the river bridge and just sat there trying to calm down. After a while i did and carried on home.
It was about 10 metres into my walk home i realised i had dropped my glasses. I had my sunglasses on and my glasses in my pocket. I can't see without them and loads of cars had gone passed. I pressumed they were squashed. I started walking back up the hill frantically looking for them then it dawned on me, i may bump into that dog again. This stressed me out even more. After a short while i spotted my glasses and thankfully they were intact.
I got home a stressed out gibbering wreck. In my opinion that dog needs to be kept tied up or have a muzzle because it is bloody dangerous.
I'm pleased to say my walk today was very uneventful. I got my magazine and i had a sit down in a field. That i can cope with.
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