Saturday, 26 February 2011

Windy day

So i went out today. I packed a carrier bag in case it rained so i could cover my cast. My coat is allegedly waterproof but i didn't fancy taking my chances.

I walked over to Cafe de la Poste, or the Post Office as i like to call it, in Chadlington. Apparently 'Call me Dave' (the PM) had been in there earlier with all of his entourage. Yawn. I'd be more impressed if i stumbled into someone who doesn't live locally. Like, oh i don't know, Jenson Button. That would be unlikely and so a nice surprise. Anyway i am rambling.

On this endeavour i stepped in a diguised puddle and had to walk 3/4 of the way with a soggy foot. Not particularly comfortable i must say. My dad drove passed and didn't even offer me a lift, couldn't believe it. Of course that would have defeated the point of these excursions. Someone was flying a kite, there were lots of walkers out today. Oh and just as i was nearly home it started raining. Lucky i had thought ahead and packed my plastic bag.

It felt more of a chore today which i didn't enjoy. I blame yesturday.

Total so far: 109860
Total to go: 890140

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Thursday, 24 February 2011

1/10th of the way there!

Woohoo! I've done over 100,000 metres which means i'm 1/10th of the way to finishing.

I have to be totally honest, yesturday i did nothing. Did i feel bad, a little. I think i needed a day off though just to let's say recharge.

Today i felt so much better and more motivated. I went out in my jacket, long sleeved top, fleece, hat and gloves as usual. It would possibly have been an idea to take note of the sunshine and fine weather. I fear i was a little over dressed.

The ground was drier than when i last went out, apart from where it is flooded still. This makes for much easier walking. I do wonder if all the slipping and sliding attempting to stay on my feet actually does any good? Maybe helps the balance? I put my ability to not slip over so much down to ice skating/ice hockey.

I came across two girls who were having their picture taken in the most peculiar place by a chap. Let's just say i didn't hang around. There were some deer feeding a few fields away and i was followed half of the way home. This caused me to feel a little paranoid so i sang and talked to myself in an attempt to, well who knows? I think i just succeeded in looking like a complete fruit loop.

Total so far: 101260
Total left to go: 898740

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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

At least i didn't fall on my bum today

I must admit i wasn't really in the mood for a walk today. Despite that i went anyway. I could quite happily of lazed around the house. It wasn't raining for a change so it was a bit more enjoyable.

There's a rather steep incline i have to walk down at one point on my circuit. When it rains it is rather slippy. As i walked down it today i could see my bum print from yesturday where i ended up on my arse. Let's just say the rest of the walk was hindered yesturday from the field of mud i was covered in weighing me down.

Today i took a different approach, i ran down said hill. Now it could have ended in two ways one being painful but fortunately i escaped unharmed. Probably not the wisest decision taking into account the state of my wrist.

There's also a field i walk through that is flooded at the moment. Usually i tip toe across the squelchy mud and inevitably end up covered in it as i slip and slide my way across to avoid the water. Not today, oh no, i ran straight through the water and surprisingly came out relatively clean, albeit soaked.

Total so far: 95950
Total left: 904050

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Monday, 21 February 2011

How it's going so far

Right well i've only just decided to do a blog about this so i guess i have a lot of catching up to do.

I started my walking on January 15th 2011 and in that month walked a total of 16.73 miles or 26.93km. Not a lot really given how far i have to walk! Although this was before i decided on my mission. February is going better i have to say. So far i have walked 39.59 miles or 63.72km.

It's so relaxing wandering through the countryside. Apart from when you realise your being followed by the hunt on your sunday afternoon stroll. I must say i got through those fields in double quick time because there was no way i was staying around to be surrounded by horses and hounds! Taking in the sights and the sounds, looking over at endless fields of green makes me really appreciate where i live. Sometimes i wish i lived in a more built up area like Oxford but i really don't think i would enjoy it.

So on my trips so far i have fallen on my bum twice, nearly been caught up in the middle of a hunt, had a RAF helicopter hover so low over my head i could see in the cockpit, been terrorised by many dogs and got absolutely soaking wet in the rain. I've seen Canada Geese, ducks, water hens, kestrels, rabbits, pheasants and deer amongst other things. As i sit writing this there is a woodpecker on the tree outside my window.

Hopefully i will keep writing as i keep walking.

Total so far: 90650
Left to go: 909350

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A fair few miles to go.

At the begining of the year i made the resolution to do more exercise. As a result i started walking around my local area a few times a week. One day on such a walk i thought why not make it more interesting.

Whilst trudging through the mud and rain i knew that it would only be a matter of weeks before i got bored. This was in January after i had just started! What i needed was a goal, something to aim for. Maybe then i would actually stick to my resolution for a change.

I pondered over what i could do for days. Then the number 1 million popped up in my mind. 1 million what though? 1 million miles, impossible. 1 million metres, now that could surely be achieveable? So off i went to try and convert my numbers.

1 million metres = 1000km or 621.3 miles

Wow, that is a lot of miles! The more i thought about it the less distant it seemed. So that was what i decided.

My mission is to walk 1 million metres (1000km or 621.3 miles) before the end of the year.

I know the end of the year gives me absolutely ages to complete my goal but i wanted something realistic and achieveable. There was no point in setting a time limit that was never going to happen. I hope to finish it a long time before the end of the year. It's something i will be doing in my spare time rather than going for it all in one go. Another reason for my time limit.

As well as keeping my resolution and getting fitter i would also like to raise money for CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). They raise awareness of sudden adult deaths from undiagnosed heart conditions and run a screening program.

If i can achieve all three of these things this year i will be very happy.

Visit to make a donation.