Thursday, 24 February 2011

1/10th of the way there!

Woohoo! I've done over 100,000 metres which means i'm 1/10th of the way to finishing.

I have to be totally honest, yesturday i did nothing. Did i feel bad, a little. I think i needed a day off though just to let's say recharge.

Today i felt so much better and more motivated. I went out in my jacket, long sleeved top, fleece, hat and gloves as usual. It would possibly have been an idea to take note of the sunshine and fine weather. I fear i was a little over dressed.

The ground was drier than when i last went out, apart from where it is flooded still. This makes for much easier walking. I do wonder if all the slipping and sliding attempting to stay on my feet actually does any good? Maybe helps the balance? I put my ability to not slip over so much down to ice skating/ice hockey.

I came across two girls who were having their picture taken in the most peculiar place by a chap. Let's just say i didn't hang around. There were some deer feeding a few fields away and i was followed half of the way home. This caused me to feel a little paranoid so i sang and talked to myself in an attempt to, well who knows? I think i just succeeded in looking like a complete fruit loop.

Total so far: 101260
Total left to go: 898740

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