So i went out today. I packed a carrier bag in case it rained so i could cover my cast. My coat is allegedly waterproof but i didn't fancy taking my chances.
I walked over to Cafe de la Poste, or the Post Office as i like to call it, in Chadlington. Apparently 'Call me Dave' (the PM) had been in there earlier with all of his entourage. Yawn. I'd be more impressed if i stumbled into someone who doesn't live locally. Like, oh i don't know, Jenson Button. That would be unlikely and so a nice surprise. Anyway i am rambling.
On this endeavour i stepped in a diguised puddle and had to walk 3/4 of the way with a soggy foot. Not particularly comfortable i must say. My dad drove passed and didn't even offer me a lift, couldn't believe it. Of course that would have defeated the point of these excursions. Someone was flying a kite, there were lots of walkers out today. Oh and just as i was nearly home it started raining. Lucky i had thought ahead and packed my plastic bag.
It felt more of a chore today which i didn't enjoy. I blame yesturday.
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