Tuesday, 22 February 2011

At least i didn't fall on my bum today

I must admit i wasn't really in the mood for a walk today. Despite that i went anyway. I could quite happily of lazed around the house. It wasn't raining for a change so it was a bit more enjoyable.

There's a rather steep incline i have to walk down at one point on my circuit. When it rains it is rather slippy. As i walked down it today i could see my bum print from yesturday where i ended up on my arse. Let's just say the rest of the walk was hindered yesturday from the field of mud i was covered in weighing me down.

Today i took a different approach, i ran down said hill. Now it could have ended in two ways one being painful but fortunately i escaped unharmed. Probably not the wisest decision taking into account the state of my wrist.

There's also a field i walk through that is flooded at the moment. Usually i tip toe across the squelchy mud and inevitably end up covered in it as i slip and slide my way across to avoid the water. Not today, oh no, i ran straight through the water and surprisingly came out relatively clean, albeit soaked.

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