I've been quiet for a wee while. That's not to say i haven't been walking because i have. I just haven't blogged about it. Sometimes there is just nothing to say.
I went for a quick walk the other day which was uneventful. It was an unplanned early evening stroll. To be honest it wasn't too nice because all of the flying bugs had come out to play. Although it was nice temperature wise.
On friday i went to Oxford and i did a fair amount of walking but i didn't have my walking gadget turned on. Due to that i have no idea how far i walked so i can't add the valuable miles to my total. We live and learn.
Today was pretty windy but still quite warm. Apparently it was meant to rain but i haven't seen any dark clouds in the sky. Of that i am grateful after my soaking last week when i got caught in a thunder storm.
I got out of the way of an oncoming car and something caught my eye in the hedge. I went in for a closer look and it looked like a spiders nest type web but had these black stringy things on it. Being brave i got closer and discovered loads of tiny caterpillars on it. I was quite pleased it wasn't a nest of baby spiders. There are already too many of those eight legged freaks around.
On the subject of caterpillars, i was walking down the road and something else caught my eye. It looked like something floating in the air, which it was. I thought it was just a bit of leaf but the way it was floating around made me look closer. It was a caterpillar. Unless you got very close to it you wouldn't of seen the almost invisible caterpillar rope it was dangling from. It was as though it had just done a bungee jump and was waiting to be reeled back in. I tried to take a picture of it but it was moving around in the air so much i couldn't focus on it. Even so you can still see the blur of the caterpillar floating in the photo.
In other news i found a tiny Ugg boot and i got covered in mud trying to take a photo.
Total so far: 331830
Total left to go: 668170
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