I went for a walk yesterday as i tend to do at the minute. It was only a short walk which has become quite normal at the moment. When i don't feel like going for a longer stroll i tend to go for a short one. Since it's become the norm for me now i feel a bit guilty if i don't go for a walk at all so a shorter stroll eases that guilt a little.
Anyway i was wandering along minding my own business when i suddenly felt like i was being followed and i could hear a tapping noise behind me. Feeling suddenly nervous i turned around tentatively and there about five metres behind me was a scruffy looking dog. As soon as i turned around the dog also stopped. I thought ignore it and carry on so i did. A little further on i stopped and turned around and the dog was still there and it stopped dead in it's tracks again. I have no idea where it had come from because there was nobody around. I felt like i was being hunted and it was waiting to pounce. I had two options going through my mind as i carried on walking further than i intended, keep walking for another 5.5 miles or turn and walk back towards the dog. In the end i decided to turn around and walk towards the dog but it had gone. It vanished as mysteriously as it appeared.
As i neared home i saw my first fox hurrying along the edge of a field. I had seen something on the road from a distance which looked fox like so i assume it was the same one.
Today on my walk there were a few cyclists out and about. I really fancy getting on my bike but i'm a bit paranoid i might fall off and i really don't need any more injuries at the minute. There were five male ducks on the river but i didn't see the mother and her ducklings. It was a bit spitty as well. There were rain clouds above but fortunately they only threw out a few drops of rain. As i got to the railway bridge i stopped to have a look at the on going works and there was a deer creeping away into the bushes. I hadn't noticed it as i had walked passed and i wasn't quick enough to get my camera out and take a picture. It was very close for a deer so it would have been a decent picture unlike all of my other attempts.
Total so far: 359480
Total left to go: 640520
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