Well we are in March already! This year seems to be going quickly.
I went for a stroll today as it was chucking down with rain yesturday. It was very windy though and deceptively cold.
It's been a few days since i last went for a wander so i did feel it a little going up the hills. That'll teach me for having a break.
There wasn't really anything interesting today. I passed a couple of joggers, not my thing running. There was a massive dog paw print in the mud the size of my hand. I kid you not, it was huge. Well i presume it was a dog, you never know with all these big cat sightings.
I did think it might rain but fortunately it didn't although i did have my trusty carrier bag to stick over my arm if it did. When i got home i discovered that said carrier had holes in it. That would have been interesting.
Total so far: 115140
Total left to go: 884860
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