So since we last spoke i've done a lot of walking. During the week i did my usual walks. At the weekend i was in London. Unfortunately my GPS doesn't work underground so it never got measured therefore i can't add it to my total.
Today was tough. I think it was to do with my post weekend slump. It was a mission to get my bum outside and then the walk was so hard. It's a walk i can usually do with absolutely no problem but boy did i suffer today.
At the start of my walk one of the railway engineers started chatting to me. He asked me if i was excited about having a double line. I told him as long as it improves services then it would be worth the disruption. I also had a little rant about the cost of having to replace lines that had been taken up years ago. I'm sure he regretted talking to me after that. I tried to be plesent despite my mood but i made a comment about being forced into the hedge as he drove passed. He apologised and i felt bad.
It has been raining all day so i took my brolly which must be the first time i've used it. On the way back it stopped raining but i expect it will start again.
The picture i took and have used was really to represent how i felt. Unfortunately i didn't see a slug so a snail will have to do.
I start back at work full time next week so i don't know how this is going to affect my walking. Hopefully it won't. I'm behind schedule as it is so i could do without any delays.
I haven't seen that dog on my latest walks. This i am happy about but i do get a little anxious that i'm suddenly going to have it's teeth clamped around my ankle.
Total so far: 408950
Total left to go: 591050
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