Yay! I've reached 200,000 metres or just over 124 miles. That's 1/5th of the total. It saonds a lot better than 1/10th which was my last milestone. Even better will be 250,000 which will be 1/4 of the total. Gradually the number i have left to walk is coming down. Big cheesy grin :-D
When i go for my walks i always have a bottle of water with me and into that water goes some Berocca. Don't ask me why but that's what i do. Well i was wondering today, does it actually do me any good? Would i be better with just water? Answers on a postcard.
Why in some fields are there trees randomly plonked in the middle? When you look most fields are clear of anything but there are the odd ones that have a tree just stood righ in the middle. Why don't the farmers chop them down? Surely it would make sense because they would have a tiny bit more land and they wouldn't have to go around them. I have never understood this.
I was walking down the road and all of a sudden from the grass verge came a sound like a Gordon the Gopher puppet. I kid ye not. Whatever it was there were two of them which were brown and they chased each other up the grass verge. Gordon the Gopher now that takes me back.
There are some horses in a field near me and today they decided to come and investigate. One was a little aprehensive and didn't come too close the other came right up to the gate. I presume it was going to put it's head over the gate but knocked it's chin right on top of it which scared it away. I do love the smell of horses, no idea why.
As i got to the railway bridge a tiny two carriage train came along so i stood on the top and waited for it to go under. As it got closer i waved to the driver and he waved back. Which was nice.
Total so far: 203850
Toatl left to go: 796150
Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.
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