So i went for one of my long walks today which inevitably lead to me hobbling home with feet full of blisters. I have tried several different types of footwear and it didn't make any difference. Today i just wore my normal shoes and put tape around the parts of my feet that are usually affected. Amazing, i got home and not a blister in sight. Something so simple which begs the question why didn't i think of it before?
I have added another bird to my noisy bastard list. The woodpecker. The noise is not as harsh as the pheasant and crow but it is persistent. I can imagine listening to that for too long would get really annoying hence it is on my list.
It was a bit of a weird day today. The temperature felt really warm, that muggy horrible type but it was foggy. I thought it was going to be cold. There was a nice breeze which was refreshing.
I had the most bizarre experience ever. Whilst i was walking along i disturbed a kestrel which flew up onto the hedge. It can't have been more than a few metres away from me. Anyway it obviously felt that was too close for comfort so flew off across the road but the came straight at me. The kestrel was flying straight for my head, it was like a bizarre game of chicken. I just stood there transfixed and it must have got to about five or six feet away before it turned sharply away to it's left. It's moments like that when you wish you could plug your brain into the tv and replay it for eveyone to see.
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