Well i purchased a little gadget the other day and it arrived today in the post. Normally i go for my walks and i have to remember things to write on my blog. Not any more because i have a dictaphone. So today i shall transcribe what i said on my wander. I apologise in advance for the bad language.
By the way it was a lovely day, clear skies and really rather warm. Anyway my thoughts:
1. Wearing a white t-shirt is really not good because i'm getting covered in bugs.
2. There's an inhaler in the field. I hope nobody needs it.
3. Walking along talking to a dictaphone i suppose doesn't look as worryingly mental as walking along just chatting to myself.
4. Watching some sort of bird of prey trying to unsuccessfully catch some thermals. (laughs) Shouldn't laugh really. If i were a bird i couldn't do it.
5.(laughing a lot) I just waved a somebody because i thought it was somebody i knew. (laughs a lot more) Oh dear. I bet that confused him, well the look on his face was confused. (laughing) Note from now on i won't wave at people.
6. There's a male and female duck on the river. I wonder if one day i'm gonna come done and there'll be little baby ducks?
7. Are planes like motorbikes? When there's good weather there's loads of them about because there seems to be load of planes.
8. I think somebodies WD40'd the gate because it seems rather easy to open. Unlike the rest of the times i've gone through it.
9. Crows are noisy bastards aren't they.
10. Watching a bird of prey catch some thermals. Bit more successful than the other one unless it's the same one. It's actually quite impressive. It's quite a big bird of prey, i don't know what it is. It's not a kite i know that. I wonder if it's a buzzard? I don't know but watching that in the clear sky, f***ing bugs, erm, it looks quite amazing really.
11. Bumped into a lady well i kind of passed her on the beginning of my walk and we've crossed paths again. Just stood chatting for a while, it was kinda nice and she asked about why i'm doing my walk. It's nice that somebodies showing an interest. Listening to the skylarks, oh, and she told me that the birds catching the thermals are buzzards. I was right, yay. Nice little chat really. She thought i was, she saw me in the distance and thought i was a noticeboard. Well i am walking around with this t-shirt on, advertising CRY. Bloody hot.
12. Just noticed i haven't been stalked by the err RAF helicopter today. Bit disappointed.
13. WTF! There are like corn on the cobs all over the place. Is somebody going for a walk and having a munch at the same time? They're along here, they're up the road. What? I don't understand. Is there some sort of corn related shenanigans going on that i don't know about? Bizarre.
14. Do you know some people are just f***ing ignorant. How hard is it to move over a tiny little bit like onto your side of the f***ing road? Rather than aiming at me. Aw pisses me off. It's not even as though you can't see me either with my white t-shirt on. I'm hardly camouflaged. F***ing people, i'm not saying i'm perfect when i'm driving but i don't aim at people walking.
15. There be a chinook coming towards me. F*** me that's loud. Awww i knew the RAF would stalk me before the end of my walk. They're big buggers aren't they. I don't feel quite so disappointed now. I wonder if they're doing manouv....God it's bloody loud. I think he is doing manouvers. It's that low you can see the windows. That is what you get with living here. I don't know what it's got to do with here. They seem to like playing around in the fields. Oh it's going over towards 'Call Me Dave's'. I don't know what's in that direction.
16. Just got really close to a bloody pheasant and a car came and scared the bastard off.
17. Road kill No. 3 - A worm.
So you get an idea of how much i actually talk to myself when i'm off on my wanders. My language became increasingly worse as i got closer to home. The problem with writing it down is you don't get to here the actual expressions in my voice which add to it.
Total so far: 183390
Total left to go: 816610
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