Monday, 21 March 2011

I'm back

Well it has been a wee while since i last wrote anything which means it's been a wee while since i went for a walk. The reason being i went back to work. Not a brilliant excuse but having not done any proper work for a while because of my poorly wrist it was a shock to the system. Anyway it didn't work out (apparently) so i am off again. Which is not what i want at all but at least i can crack on with my walking. You have to look for positives. Plus i was letting my huge blister heal. I had more blister than foot which was becoming quite painful.

The walk wasn't that great what with my mood being a bit down and the overcast weather. My music couldn't drown out my thoughts and there was a severe lack of singing. I shall endeavour to rectify that on my next walk. I'll have to stick some ABBA on, that'll get me going.

Nothing interesting happened really. The RAF helicopter was stalking me again or as they probably refer to it, doing maneuvers. The badger has gone. I presume it's either been eaten or removed by someone.

Total so far: 171990
Total left to go: 828010

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