Friday, 4 March 2011


It's sunny! And guess what it's not cold!

I opted to go without my coat today and just have my shirt and jumper. Well i ended up taking my jumper off i was that hot. Now i don't know if that's because i've got a bit of a cold or if it was genuinely that warm.

To be honest i nearly didn't go out today. Yesturday i felt awful so didn't go anywhere. I must admit i do feel better from the fresh air. Whether it will actually do me any good at the moment is another question.

Nobody got anything done by sitting around on their bum. I have a lot to do if i'm going to walk 1000km.

Both my walking shoes and boots are starting to give me nasty blisters which may be a problem. It's not nice when you feel a blister brewing and you know you have a way to go before you get home.

Total so far: 130370
Total left to go: 869630

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