Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Bloody weather

So today was delightful sunshine or it was until i was part way through my walk. I had got about 1.7 miles into it when all of a sudden there was a growl of thunder befitting of one of those sky emptying of all its contents moments. As a result i quickly got a move on. By the time i was nearing the village i was heading for it was spitting. Rain and plaster casts do not mix. It was at this point i turned my walk into a run. I got to the shop an not long after it started to bucket down. Fortunately despite my protests i got a lift home which saved me a soaking, thanks Gill. Now that i am home guess what? It's fine again. Bloody weather.

On my travels i decided to take a bag because the amount of things i am needing to carry appears to be increasing. It has its positives but i find because i'm not carrying my water i'm not drinking it as much. Also it's a bit cumbersome whilst trying to sprint from the rain clouds.

I was thinking whilst i was walking, once upon a time i would have got in my car to go to the shop. It's only 2.5 miles away (5 mile round trip) which isn't really that far. Some days it feels like it's a million miles away but in reality it's just across a few fields. Shows how lazy i was before i started this walking.

So in conclusion i didn't walk very far today which i am very disappointed about but i guess every little helps.

Total so far: 208190
Total left to go: 791810

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

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