The badger was still there, a little duller than the last time. It wasn't until i got closer that you could not only see it but smell its presence. That stayed with me for the rest of my walk, like it was chasing me through the fields.
As i crossed the railway bridge there were men walking up the line. I assume they were there to do some work or maybe they had finished. It seems to have been abandoned since the snow and every time i have walked passed nothing appears to have changed. Who knows, they may finally be finishing what they started.
It was a dull day today, it didn't really inspire me. I haven't really felt inspired at all lately, having to force myself out of the door. When i started it was all new and fun but that seems to have vanished. Maybe i'm going through a bad phase? I hope it is a phase because i don't fancy doing the rest of this walk feeling obliged to do it. I started of doing it because i wanted to do it and that's how i want to finish it.
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