Saturday, 30 April 2011

Lost and found

You would think somebody would notice if they lost their boot. Unless they carry a spare pair around with them. What happened? Did whoever it was get home and someone point out they had no boot on one foot and that's when they realised? Lost boot person: 'Oh! Do you know, i thought i was limping a little after i walked through that mud.' Friend: 'Idiot.'

Anyway let's get away from me making up conversations that never existed. It was lovely today, apart from the wind. My hat nearly came off at one point it was blowing that much. There were quite a few people about as well which was nice.

The last few walks i've had my ipod on but i haven't sung along. I just wasn't in the mood, i was in a mood but not to sing. Today that all changed again and i was warbling away with all the skill and grace of a X Factor reject.

Here's an embarrassing admission for you, well two as it's on my ipod. Saturday Night (Whigfield) came on and after checking there was nobody within viewing distance i proceeded to do the little dance. Just thought i'd share that with you.

In other news i saw a fish and a moor hen.

Total so far: 314320
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Friday, 29 April 2011

Drowned rat

So after watching the royal wedding (shhhh don't tell anyone, i said i wasn't going to) and a trip to hospital ithought what a lovely day to go for a walk. I had a bite to eat and got changed. I looked outside and thought i'll wear my sunglasses as it was quite bright. I set out into what was nice weather.

Fast forward half an hour later. Whilst walking up the hill i thought blimey it's a bit dark so took my sunglasses off and turned around. What greated me was sudden darkness and cracks of thunder. I was over a mile from home and it looked like the rain had already hit there so i powered on up the hill. By the time i got to the top it was thumping down so i hid under a tree. Not a smart move i know. It didn't make good shelter so i thought sod it and started walking back down the hill.

Let's just say by the time i got home i was drenched. Fortunately i had a t-shirt on under my white t-shirt otherwise that could've been embarrassing! Of course it waited for me to step in the front door before stopping.

And this is what a soaking wet Tracey looks like.

Total so far: 309040
Total left to go: 690960

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Thursday, 28 April 2011


I wasn't going to go for a walk today. Yes i know i've been very slack this week. I couldn't tell you why i have not been out and about. The only reason i went for a walk today was because i found something out that annoyed me. Rather than staying in and letting my anger bubble silently away i put the energy to good use.

Another uneventful walk really. If it wasn't for the wind it would have been a scorcher. Mind you it was still pretty hot. My big mistake was not waiting long enough after i'd eaten so i felt somewhat weighed down. I also took an antihistamine this morning, not that it made any difference. I still sneezed and sniffed my way along.

It's difficult on days like this where nothing happens. I feel i should be writing really interesting things everytime i go out but that doesn't always happen. Instead i gibber on about nothing inparticular, as i am doing now. Ah actually the reason i didn't go for a walk yesturday was because i had been to the dentist and had half my face numbed. I didn't fancy dribbling my way around. Excuses, excuses.

In other news the ducks have had little ducklings, altogether now...awwwwwww.

Total so far: 303510
Total left to go: 696490

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Tuesday, 26 April 2011

He looked a bit moody

It was quite chilly today. Obviously i got used to the heatwave we were having. It was 17 degrees according to my thermometer. It was quite a grey day really. I even took my brolly just in case there was a sudden downpour but it never came even though it looked like it was going to. The one benefit i did notice quite quickly was that there were less flying critters about.

I saw my first hare. As i came around the corner it saw me with it's beady eyes and darted off. They are huge.

I may have pointed out before how i wasn't too impressed with the camouflage of the male pheasant but it's quite effective in two foot high rape seed. Let's just say the unexpected screech from the side of me resulted in a small shocked jump.

There were a lot of cows about today all of which were lying down which i established means it's going to rain. Lies, all lies. Mind you when i came back they were all stood up. Make your minds up! They were at the fence next to the gate so i went over to say hello, as you do. Cows are very nosey nevermind smelly. Well i thought they were cows until i saw horns on some of them. I won't be walking through that field in a hurry.

Do the recycling lorries not have some sort of covers for wherever the rubbish is kept? You know when they have been around because the sides of the roads are covered in peoples recycling. It's ridiculous, do they not notice there is half as much in their lorry by the time they get to wherever they are going? Todays top 3 types of rubbish: At number 3 frozen food packets which was just beaten by easter egg boxes at number 2 but at number 1 this week is cigarette packets. It's bad enough people throwing stuff out of their car window, they don't need any help from the council.

A farmer was spraying his fields with some disgusting smelling fluid which i had the misfortune of inhaling. I hope it wasn't something nasty.

In other news i danced down the road without realising a car was behind me. Mortified. It must be getting warmer, Mr Whippy is making a regular appearance. I got cow snot in an open cut on my hand.

Total so far: 298170
Total left to go: 701830

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Friday, 22 April 2011


According to the thermometer when i set out on my walk it was 25 degrees. Upon my arrival back home i was informed it was 26 degrees. Whatever the temperature at the moment it is making this walking lark a whole lot harder.

There were lots of people out and about today either walking or cycling. It made it feel like a saturday. Everyone is always so friendly saying hello as you pass bye or sometimes engaging in conversation. Talking of cycling i've noticed i've started to get a bit of an urge to go for a ride. Obviously that is not going to happen for many reasons but it would be nice to go for a little pedal around.

At one point i was walking along and something made me look over my left shoulder. It was then i was confronted with a huge beetle that had decided to hitch a ride. Fortunately it flew off rather sharpish. Beetles don't bother me and so i didn't make a fuss. If on the other hand it had been a spider i would have cried, screamed, flapped about and all sorts of other hysterical behaviour.

A RAF plane which appeared to have taken off from Brize Norton flew over quite low so i tried to take a picture. I couldn't see my screen because of the sun which was a hinderance. In fact such a hinderance the only pictures i got were of the blue sky.

Those horses that i previously said were not nice confirmed that fact today. I know that when their ears are flattened back they aren't happy. What about when they bob their head up and down? This horse kept following me and doing that and just generally looked quite intimidating. I was grateful for the tiny electric fence that parted us although if it had wanted to could quite easily have jumped over.

One thing i did notice today was that i didn't suffer half as much with the hayfever. Maybe it was because i went out later?

In other news i really craved an ice cream.

Total so far: 290390
Total left to go: 709610

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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Devils flower

Note: My title does not relate to the one pictured.

My walk started off on rather a morbid note today. As i was walking passed a field full of sheep with their bouncing baby lambs i stopped to watch them scampering about. This was when i noticed a wheelbarrow to my left with a dead sheep slumped inside. Lovely.

I have never really suffered with hayfever so why has it attacked me with a vengeance this year? Is it making up for all those missed opportunities? Whatever the reason i absolutely hate it. Within 10 minutes of being outside i was sneezing and wheezing like an asthmatic. This eventually led to coughing and i lost my voice. I suspect it was the horrid rape seed as my symptoms calmed down a little in the less yellow areas. Ban the bloody stuff i say.

It's been a little while since i was last flow over at a scarily low height by the RAF helicopter but it made an appearance today. I swear they aim for me on purpose because every time i'm in a different place. Maybe they are attracted to the glowing orange beacon that is on my head?

I saw some rabbits at quite close quarters but before i could get my phone out to take a picture a bird flew over and spooked them.

A white van drove passed me beeping with an arm stuck out of the window waving. I have no idea who it was and i didn't wave back. It's not often or indeed at all i recognise somebody from their arm. Better luck next time stranger.

In other news a bug was making a dash for my cast but i successfully managed to flick it off before it crawled up there. If it had have succeeded i would have cried.

Total so far: 285100
Total left to go: 714900

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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot

Well my walk started off very well today. First of all i stood on a rock which i nearly went over on but kicked it forward so ended up standing on it again. The last thing i need is a twisted ankle. Then two pugs decided to nip at my ankles. Cute as they are they are not when they are under your feet trying to nibble at your legs. Finally a bee manage to navigate passed my sunglasses and hit me in the eye. Fortunately it wasn't bottom end first, that would've hurt.

It was very hot today. I didn't wear a hat because i thought that being gone 4pm it would be okay. How wrong i was. Most of the way home i was walking into the sun and it was giving me a wicked headache. I managed to hide away under some trees eventually. If i feel as hot as i did today when i'm in Brunei i am screwed. It was 20 odd degrees and i was struggling. It's not looking good.

The cows that were laid down yesturday were in the river in what i assume was some sort of attempt to cool down. I don't blame them it did look cool and refreshing but there's no way you'd find me paddling in a river.

I wonder if this making me shrink at all or speeding up the shrinking process?

Total so far: 277230
Total left to go: 722770

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Monday, 18 April 2011

I saw a baby dragon

It was quite windy today but i think that was a blessing in disguise because i think if it hadn't have been it would have been rather warm. It was nice actually, not to windy and not too hot.

Yesturday was a day off purely because i spent the day watching the motorsport on tv. The F1 was good for a change and the BTCC was even better. Cars were pinging off left right and centre in the touring cars. My heart was in my mouth when Jason Plato rolled his car but fortunately he was okay. It just goes to show how safe the cars are these days.

As i was walking along i looked down and saw a dandelion and had a childhood flashback. It took me back to when i had my albino rabbit Topsy and picking leaves for him to eat. Only in the last few years did i discover that my other rabbit had died. I was only little and i remember my dad taking it away and telling me that it was a wild rabbit, that's why it kept escaping. He was going to set it free so it would be happier. I couldn't believe it when he confessed and told me it was actually dead but they didn't want to upset me.

There was something i kept meaning to take a picture of but thought i'd do it next time. I kept repeating this and today i walked by and discovered it had gone. It's just typical, you wait but after having numerous opportunities you find that your chance has gone. The moral of this story, do something when you first think of it.

In a field some cows have appeared which were lying down. I can't remember the old saying but does that mean it's going to rain?

The horses were all just stood absolutely still when i walked passed. It was almost as though they were playing their own game of musical statues. Bizarre.

In other news a bumblebee flew into the back of my head and there was a bird that looked like a baby dragon. I suspect it was not.

Total so far: 271940
Total left to go: 728060

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Saturday, 16 April 2011


One thing that i have noticed in the last few weeks is that the fields and grass verges are becoming increasingly yellow. They are covered in dandelions. It did make me wonder if dandelion and burdock is actually made with dandelions? Plus what is burdock? I think this is a case for wikipedia. Yellow is definately a spring colour what with the daffodils, dandelions and rape seed.

Today i actually came across someone riding a horse on a bridle path for the first time. There are loads of horses around where i live so i would have thought i'd have seen more. In fact i haven't seen many people riding.

I came across a couple of dogs which were soaking wet and i could see that look in their eyes. I thought don't even think about it. I had visions of them both bouncing over and jumping up at me. Fortunately they stayed well away.

My walking shoes may have come to the end of their life. They are very comfortable but i'm getting some evil blisters from them. I may have to invest in some new ones to save my feet. Well i say feet i only get blisters on one of my feet. I must walk funny?

In other news, today was the first day i went for a walk without a hat on.

Total so far: 266670
Total left to go: 733330

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Thursday, 14 April 2011


Another pretty uneventful days strolling.

A car came at me at some speed so i did my best to get onto the practically vertical grass bank next to me. It's not like i'm invisible. I do worry that one of these days i'm going to get mowed down by some idiot. In the mean time i do my best to keep out of their way. My excursion left me bleeding as i lost my footing and went sideways with my hand landing on some sort of thorny plant. At least i didn't land on my bad hand, now that would have been annoying.

There were lots of ducks about today. I don't know where they have all come from. In one of the fields i crossed there was a male and female. I managed to get relatively close before they flew off in a panic. You might be able to see the duck shaped dots in my picture.

In other news i was walking along when i heard one of those shepherdy type whistles and a dog running at full pelt appeared from the hedge just in front of me. Honestly it doesn't do my nerves any good when things like that happen.

Total so far: 261390
Total left to go: 738610

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Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Today i went passed the 250,000 metre mark! I'm a quarter of the way there!

It was a largely uneventful walk. My main aim was to get to the shop and buy my magazine. I got there and i couldn't find it but it was just hiding. I'm not going to say what it is because it's my secret indulgence. I resisted the temptation to buy cake this time. Is it possible i am developing some will power?

The lambs in the field are so cute. I stood looking over the hedge at a couple lazing in the shade. Their mum saw me and started bleating like nobodies business. I think she thought i was a threat even though i was miles away. Anyway she started looking mean and eyeballing me so i moved on and left them in peace.

There was a chap talking his dog for a walk and it was lovely. I didn't know what breed it was so i asked and he told me it was a Red Setter. What a gorgeous creature he was. The dog not the chap.

In other news a small yappy type dog came at me and i swallowed a fly.

Total so far: 256130
Total left to go: 743870

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Monday, 11 April 2011

April showers

I was just about to go out today and the skies opened up. It absolutely chucked it down. Typical. There was plenty of time throughout the day but no it had to rain when i wanted to go out. Fortunately it didn't last long. I did however, put my waterproof jacket on just in case. Of course after i had been walking for a little while the sun came out so i boiled.

I decided to go without my ipod today. I don't know why, i just felt like it. To be honest i found it very strange, quiet. Yes i could hear the noisy birds and the nice birds but i could also hear the traffic from the main road. As nice as it is hearing the chirping of the birds i think i'll stick to my ipod from now on. Talking of birds, after hearing a noise horrible enough to make your ears bleed aka a pheasant, i wondered how far away their holler travels?

The hedgerows are full of life now. Lots of pretty little flowers and sticky grass plus the customary nettles. They are so green and lush and at certain points the blossom from the hedge floats off and covers the road like some sort of flowery snow.

In other news, the rape seed is starting to release it's hideous odour, i was harrassed by a bumblebee and there was a sqeaky tree.

Total so far: 248110
Total left to go: 751890

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Saturday, 9 April 2011

Living on the edge

I was living on the edge today, i wore a t-shirt. I actually exposed my Daz white arms to the sun in the hope i turned a darker shade of white. I say arms but of course i mean arm. At least i'll be able to prove any change in colour by comparing arms.

My headphones broke yesturday so i had to resort to my normal ones. This resulted in me constantly having to put them back in my ears because they keep falling out. My others are the sort that wrap around you ear thus preventing them from falling out. Not very interesting but this isn't meant to be interesting. Well it is to a point but it is about what happens on my walks, whether it's fascinating or yawn inducing.

I saw a bi-plane and it made me wonder, what would be worse a parachute jump or wing walking? To be honest for me both would be as bad as each other. At least with wing walking you have your feet firmly planted on something.

When i walk i listen to my music and it amazes me how when you hear a song it can transport you to a time long forgotten. It accesses a memory you had pushed to the very corners of your mind. The same happens with smells. It happened to me today i smelt the smell of some sort of plant and it took me stright back to being a kid. The brain is an amazing piece of kit.

In other news i have a fear that one of these days one of the many spiders i see crawling around at high speed is going make a bee line for the inside of my trouser leg. I was very naughty and bought cake on the way home.

Total so far: 242430
Total left to go: 757570

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Friday, 8 April 2011

Spot the deer

Well i was walking along as you do, minding my own when suddenly i stopped and didn't move. In one of the fields is what i suspect a drainage ditch. As i was walking over the little bridge i looked to my left and there well hidden among the twiggyness was a bambi. It had been having a drink when i came ambling along. Anyway it stared at me and i stared at it slowly trying to get my phone out to take a picture. Then once i had i slowly walked away trying not to scare it. It must have only been 15 metres away which i what i consider close. If you look carefully at my picture you might be able to see it.

There literally wasn't a cloud in the sky when i started walking, which was nice. Not even the trails from a plane, it was completely bare.

It all happened today. A helicopter was heading in my direction and i thought it was rather low. As it got closer i could see it was that RAF chopper that has obviously taken a shine to me. It flew straight over my head and can't have been 20 metres above my head. That's twice it's flow that low over me now. On the subject of helicopters, i still can't believe i flew in one of those things. A silver one flew over in the direction of Oxford and i did wonder if it was Mr Plato on his way home from somewhere. Then i came to my senses.

In other news, i think i saw some little fish in the river and the railway workers have made some good progress.

Total so far: 231950
Total left to go: 768050

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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Blimey it's warm

The end of last week and the weekend was a little unexpected and so i neglected my walking duties. Not an excuse but a fact and i'm back on track now.

What a lovely day. It was nice and sunny and rather warm, 18 degrees apparently. This did pose a little problem for me and i expect will do in the near future. Do i have my good arm uncovered and potentially get some colour into my Daz white arm or do i keep it covered so it matches the pasty pale poorly one? I went with uncovered today. I also feel like in this nice sunny weather i should wear shorts but i wouldn't want to blind someone with the reflection of my white legs and cause an accident.

Aw it's that time of year where the little lambs appear and aren't they cute. It is also that time of year when you can see that most off the fields have been planted with rape seed. Oh joy. I may have to confine my walks to a treadmill indoors somewhere until they get rid of it. There is a huge difference in the fields. A few weeks ago they were brown and now they are all full of green.

In other news there was a pheasant cooking on the side of the road, it was like something out of a horror film. It looks like the railway workers are actually doing something. The river looked rather inviting in the heat and i got asked why i was wearing a hat.

Total so far: 223430
Total left to go: 776570

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