Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot

Well my walk started off very well today. First of all i stood on a rock which i nearly went over on but kicked it forward so ended up standing on it again. The last thing i need is a twisted ankle. Then two pugs decided to nip at my ankles. Cute as they are they are not when they are under your feet trying to nibble at your legs. Finally a bee manage to navigate passed my sunglasses and hit me in the eye. Fortunately it wasn't bottom end first, that would've hurt.

It was very hot today. I didn't wear a hat because i thought that being gone 4pm it would be okay. How wrong i was. Most of the way home i was walking into the sun and it was giving me a wicked headache. I managed to hide away under some trees eventually. If i feel as hot as i did today when i'm in Brunei i am screwed. It was 20 odd degrees and i was struggling. It's not looking good.

The cows that were laid down yesturday were in the river in what i assume was some sort of attempt to cool down. I don't blame them it did look cool and refreshing but there's no way you'd find me paddling in a river.

I wonder if this making me shrink at all or speeding up the shrinking process?

Total so far: 277230
Total left to go: 722770

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