It was quite chilly today. Obviously i got used to the heatwave we were having. It was 17 degrees according to my thermometer. It was quite a grey day really. I even took my brolly just in case there was a sudden downpour but it never came even though it looked like it was going to. The one benefit i did notice quite quickly was that there were less flying critters about.
I saw my first hare. As i came around the corner it saw me with it's beady eyes and darted off. They are huge.
I may have pointed out before how i wasn't too impressed with the camouflage of the male pheasant but it's quite effective in two foot high rape seed. Let's just say the unexpected screech from the side of me resulted in a small shocked jump.
There were a lot of cows about today all of which were lying down which i established means it's going to rain. Lies, all lies. Mind you when i came back they were all stood up. Make your minds up! They were at the fence next to the gate so i went over to say hello, as you do. Cows are very nosey nevermind smelly. Well i thought they were cows until i saw horns on some of them. I won't be walking through that field in a hurry.
Do the recycling lorries not have some sort of covers for wherever the rubbish is kept? You know when they have been around because the sides of the roads are covered in peoples recycling. It's ridiculous, do they not notice there is half as much in their lorry by the time they get to wherever they are going? Todays top 3 types of rubbish: At number 3 frozen food packets which was just beaten by easter egg boxes at number 2 but at number 1 this week is cigarette packets. It's bad enough people throwing stuff out of their car window, they don't need any help from the council.
A farmer was spraying his fields with some disgusting smelling fluid which i had the misfortune of inhaling. I hope it wasn't something nasty.
In other news i danced down the road without realising a car was behind me. Mortified. It must be getting warmer, Mr Whippy is making a regular appearance. I got cow snot in an open cut on my hand.
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