Saturday, 9 April 2011

Living on the edge

I was living on the edge today, i wore a t-shirt. I actually exposed my Daz white arms to the sun in the hope i turned a darker shade of white. I say arms but of course i mean arm. At least i'll be able to prove any change in colour by comparing arms.

My headphones broke yesturday so i had to resort to my normal ones. This resulted in me constantly having to put them back in my ears because they keep falling out. My others are the sort that wrap around you ear thus preventing them from falling out. Not very interesting but this isn't meant to be interesting. Well it is to a point but it is about what happens on my walks, whether it's fascinating or yawn inducing.

I saw a bi-plane and it made me wonder, what would be worse a parachute jump or wing walking? To be honest for me both would be as bad as each other. At least with wing walking you have your feet firmly planted on something.

When i walk i listen to my music and it amazes me how when you hear a song it can transport you to a time long forgotten. It accesses a memory you had pushed to the very corners of your mind. The same happens with smells. It happened to me today i smelt the smell of some sort of plant and it took me stright back to being a kid. The brain is an amazing piece of kit.

In other news i have a fear that one of these days one of the many spiders i see crawling around at high speed is going make a bee line for the inside of my trouser leg. I was very naughty and bought cake on the way home.

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