Saturday, 30 April 2011

Lost and found

You would think somebody would notice if they lost their boot. Unless they carry a spare pair around with them. What happened? Did whoever it was get home and someone point out they had no boot on one foot and that's when they realised? Lost boot person: 'Oh! Do you know, i thought i was limping a little after i walked through that mud.' Friend: 'Idiot.'

Anyway let's get away from me making up conversations that never existed. It was lovely today, apart from the wind. My hat nearly came off at one point it was blowing that much. There were quite a few people about as well which was nice.

The last few walks i've had my ipod on but i haven't sung along. I just wasn't in the mood, i was in a mood but not to sing. Today that all changed again and i was warbling away with all the skill and grace of a X Factor reject.

Here's an embarrassing admission for you, well two as it's on my ipod. Saturday Night (Whigfield) came on and after checking there was nobody within viewing distance i proceeded to do the little dance. Just thought i'd share that with you.

In other news i saw a fish and a moor hen.

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