Thursday, 14 April 2011


Another pretty uneventful days strolling.

A car came at me at some speed so i did my best to get onto the practically vertical grass bank next to me. It's not like i'm invisible. I do worry that one of these days i'm going to get mowed down by some idiot. In the mean time i do my best to keep out of their way. My excursion left me bleeding as i lost my footing and went sideways with my hand landing on some sort of thorny plant. At least i didn't land on my bad hand, now that would have been annoying.

There were lots of ducks about today. I don't know where they have all come from. In one of the fields i crossed there was a male and female. I managed to get relatively close before they flew off in a panic. You might be able to see the duck shaped dots in my picture.

In other news i was walking along when i heard one of those shepherdy type whistles and a dog running at full pelt appeared from the hedge just in front of me. Honestly it doesn't do my nerves any good when things like that happen.

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