Monday, 18 April 2011

I saw a baby dragon

It was quite windy today but i think that was a blessing in disguise because i think if it hadn't have been it would have been rather warm. It was nice actually, not to windy and not too hot.

Yesturday was a day off purely because i spent the day watching the motorsport on tv. The F1 was good for a change and the BTCC was even better. Cars were pinging off left right and centre in the touring cars. My heart was in my mouth when Jason Plato rolled his car but fortunately he was okay. It just goes to show how safe the cars are these days.

As i was walking along i looked down and saw a dandelion and had a childhood flashback. It took me back to when i had my albino rabbit Topsy and picking leaves for him to eat. Only in the last few years did i discover that my other rabbit had died. I was only little and i remember my dad taking it away and telling me that it was a wild rabbit, that's why it kept escaping. He was going to set it free so it would be happier. I couldn't believe it when he confessed and told me it was actually dead but they didn't want to upset me.

There was something i kept meaning to take a picture of but thought i'd do it next time. I kept repeating this and today i walked by and discovered it had gone. It's just typical, you wait but after having numerous opportunities you find that your chance has gone. The moral of this story, do something when you first think of it.

In a field some cows have appeared which were lying down. I can't remember the old saying but does that mean it's going to rain?

The horses were all just stood absolutely still when i walked passed. It was almost as though they were playing their own game of musical statues. Bizarre.

In other news a bumblebee flew into the back of my head and there was a bird that looked like a baby dragon. I suspect it was not.

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