Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Devils flower

Note: My title does not relate to the one pictured.

My walk started off on rather a morbid note today. As i was walking passed a field full of sheep with their bouncing baby lambs i stopped to watch them scampering about. This was when i noticed a wheelbarrow to my left with a dead sheep slumped inside. Lovely.

I have never really suffered with hayfever so why has it attacked me with a vengeance this year? Is it making up for all those missed opportunities? Whatever the reason i absolutely hate it. Within 10 minutes of being outside i was sneezing and wheezing like an asthmatic. This eventually led to coughing and i lost my voice. I suspect it was the horrid rape seed as my symptoms calmed down a little in the less yellow areas. Ban the bloody stuff i say.

It's been a little while since i was last flow over at a scarily low height by the RAF helicopter but it made an appearance today. I swear they aim for me on purpose because every time i'm in a different place. Maybe they are attracted to the glowing orange beacon that is on my head?

I saw some rabbits at quite close quarters but before i could get my phone out to take a picture a bird flew over and spooked them.

A white van drove passed me beeping with an arm stuck out of the window waving. I have no idea who it was and i didn't wave back. It's not often or indeed at all i recognise somebody from their arm. Better luck next time stranger.

In other news a bug was making a dash for my cast but i successfully managed to flick it off before it crawled up there. If it had have succeeded i would have cried.

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