I wasn't going to go for a walk today. Yes i know i've been very slack this week. I couldn't tell you why i have not been out and about. The only reason i went for a walk today was because i found something out that annoyed me. Rather than staying in and letting my anger bubble silently away i put the energy to good use.
Another uneventful walk really. If it wasn't for the wind it would have been a scorcher. Mind you it was still pretty hot. My big mistake was not waiting long enough after i'd eaten so i felt somewhat weighed down. I also took an antihistamine this morning, not that it made any difference. I still sneezed and sniffed my way along.
It's difficult on days like this where nothing happens. I feel i should be writing really interesting things everytime i go out but that doesn't always happen. Instead i gibber on about nothing inparticular, as i am doing now. Ah actually the reason i didn't go for a walk yesturday was because i had been to the dentist and had half my face numbed. I didn't fancy dribbling my way around. Excuses, excuses.
In other news the ducks have had little ducklings, altogether now...awwwwwww.
Total so far: 303510
Total left to go: 696490
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