Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Today i went passed the 250,000 metre mark! I'm a quarter of the way there!

It was a largely uneventful walk. My main aim was to get to the shop and buy my magazine. I got there and i couldn't find it but it was just hiding. I'm not going to say what it is because it's my secret indulgence. I resisted the temptation to buy cake this time. Is it possible i am developing some will power?

The lambs in the field are so cute. I stood looking over the hedge at a couple lazing in the shade. Their mum saw me and started bleating like nobodies business. I think she thought i was a threat even though i was miles away. Anyway she started looking mean and eyeballing me so i moved on and left them in peace.

There was a chap talking his dog for a walk and it was lovely. I didn't know what breed it was so i asked and he told me it was a Red Setter. What a gorgeous creature he was. The dog not the chap.

In other news a small yappy type dog came at me and i swallowed a fly.

Total so far: 256130
Total left to go: 743870

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

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