Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Black clouds

To be perfectly honest i can't really remember what has happened on my walks lately. Most have been short ones of no real interest. I have seen the heron a few times.

Today i walked to get my magazine. I came across some cows who were very shy apart from one. It came over to the fence and had a good sniff of my hand with its very wet nose. I obviously don't smell nice as it then promptly walked off. I did manage to briefly stroke its head.

At the shop i bought a latte to go with my magazine. I thought i would treat myself as i hadn't had one in a while and very nice it was too. I timed my visit to the shop very badly as school had just finished so the shop proceeded to be filled with little people. I quickly made my escape.

I stopped at the garage to book my MOT and nose at the jet ski on the forecourt. They are bigger than i expected. Well i don't really know what i expected but i did discover that they are bloody noisy.

On my way home the skies were a mass of black. I had my umbrella with me but i hoped i didn't have to use it. I walked at a fair pace in the hope that i wouldn't get soaked. I'm not sure i can walk faster than a rain cloud. Would you believe it i got home with only a few drops of rain landing on me. I honestly thought i was in for a drenching.

Just down the road from my house i saw a butterfly on the road. When i crouched down i could see that half of its left wing had been torn off. I thought it was dead but gave it a poke and to my surprise it moved. Being the kind soul that i am a scooped it up and put it into a flowery bush. It would probably have been kinder and certainly a quicker death for it to be run over but nevermind. I think that was my good deed of the day.

In other news i saw a goth looking caterpillar. It had huge black spikes along it's back. I also rescued this from the middle of the road. Two good deeds.

Total so far: 475830
Total left to go: 524170

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Welcome back

Well it's been a long time since i last wrote a blog. Nevermind i'm back now. So what's been happening? Well i've been walking. Not quite as much as i should have for certain reasons but i'm picking up the pace again now.

At first i thought the web in my picture was a huge spiders nest which obviously i wasn't thrilled with. I noticed that it had long black things on and when i got closer i realised it was full of caterpillars. I don't think i've ever seen so many nevermind a nest.

I mentioned in my last blog that i saw a heron flying overhead. I've seen it quite frequently of late. On one trip i saw it in the river but it saw me first and flew off. A few days later i walked a little more cautiously when i got to the same point and there were two. They are obviously very shy birds as they both flew off as soon as they saw me. I still can't get over how big they are.

There are lots of horses around where i live and they keep themselves to themselves. Very rarely do they come over and say hello. One day when it was raining i took an umbrella and two horses that i regularly walk passed looked at me as though i was the oddest thing they had ever seen. It was almost a look of what the hell is that?

Talking about odd things, one of these horses was just stood around eating grass as they do. As i carried on walking it sudddenly dropped to the ground and started rolling on it's back just like a dog. I have never seen a horse do that and i must admit it did make me chuckle.

It has been raining a lot lately which is part of the reason i haven't been out. The other day i just thought sod it i was fed up with waiting for it to stop so i just put on my waterproofs and off i went. Of course half way through my walk it stopped raining.

On this particular walk i was minding my own coming down the hill. I had my head down in an attempt to stop my glasses getting any further wet. Glasses with windscreen wipers now there's an idea. Anyway as i was looking at the verge i spotted what i assumed was a penny. I bent down to pick it up but it felt thicker than a penny. It was a pound coin. It was filthy and had some dents in it so it took a while to work out if it was a pound or not. It was dated 1985, i don't think i've seen a pound coin that old. I wonder how long it had been sat there. So my walk turned out to be a profitable one.

I must try harder not to leave it so long between blogs. I probably keep saying that and the time between them is probably getting longer but i must try harder.

Total so far: 452890
Total left to go: 547110

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Well today i felt like i could walk for miles and miles. The other day i could barely walk anywhere. That could possibly be because my other walks have been after work and today i have done absolutely nothing.

I've seen a lot of bambie's around lately. Yesterday i got quite close to one but it ran off before i could sort my camera out. They are proper deer not these muntjac things.

I haven't been savaged by that dog on my recent walks. To be fair i haven't seen the devil dog. I have been taking my hiking stick with me just in case still. It has made me quite anxious about walking in certain places. I don't really want to come face to face with it again. I like my limbs as they are thanks.

The other day on one of my walks i was just walking home from the river bridge when i looked up to the sky. The was a huge bird flying above me. When i say huge i mean huge. I have not seen a bird that big. Anyway initially i thought it was a pterodactyl but then i realised that was a laughable thought. It turned out to be a heron.

It was extremely windy today but when the wind dropped it was like standing in an oven. I wore a jumper because it looked a bit bleak outside but i wish i hadn't. I should have worn a hat though. I may have caught the sun a little. Where did that phrase come from?

Total so far: 425050
Total left to go: 574950

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Monday, 30 May 2011


So since we last spoke i've done a lot of walking. During the week i did my usual walks. At the weekend i was in London. Unfortunately my GPS doesn't work underground so it never got measured therefore i can't add it to my total.

Today was tough. I think it was to do with my post weekend slump. It was a mission to get my bum outside and then the walk was so hard. It's a walk i can usually do with absolutely no problem but boy did i suffer today.

At the start of my walk one of the railway engineers started chatting to me. He asked me if i was excited about having a double line. I told him as long as it improves services then it would be worth the disruption. I also had a little rant about the cost of having to replace lines that had been taken up years ago. I'm sure he regretted talking to me after that. I tried to be plesent despite my mood but i made a comment about being forced into the hedge as he drove passed. He apologised and i felt bad.

It has been raining all day so i took my brolly which must be the first time i've used it. On the way back it stopped raining but i expect it will start again.

The picture i took and have used was really to represent how i felt. Unfortunately i didn't see a slug so a snail will have to do.

I start back at work full time next week so i don't know how this is going to affect my walking. Hopefully it won't. I'm behind schedule as it is so i could do without any delays.

I haven't seen that dog on my latest walks. This i am happy about but i do get a little anxious that i'm suddenly going to have it's teeth clamped around my ankle.

Total so far: 408950
Total left to go: 591050

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Mad dog

After i wrote my blog on Sunday i decided to go for a walk. Not the most logical way of doing things i must admit.

It started out quite a nice walk. A fox ran out in front on me then quickly vanished when it saw me coming up the road. I hadn't seen any foxes and now i've seen two. Do you think it would work if i said i haven't seen any £50 notes lately? Wishful thinking. After the fox two bi-planes can spluttering overhead side by side. They were red and i wondered very very briefly what it would be like to wing walk. There is of course no way i will ever know because there isn't the money in the world that would make me do that. A strange thought that popped into my mind as they do. When i was coming down the hill a little dog started charging up the hill towards me. It was a shy little thing and went around me and carried on charging up the hill. A few minutes later i could hear the owner hollering it's name.

This is where things went slightly pear shaped for many reasons. As i was walking i noticed the stalky growly dog coming up the hill. I stopped and thought oh sugarcrumbs. This dog had already stalked me and run at me growling what the hell to do? The dog started coming up the hill and i walked very slowly looking away from it trying not to look a) a threat or b) scared. As we got closer the dog crossed over to the other side of the road and i started speaking in a nice voice as you should so i've found out after the incident. Just as i thought i was safe because we had passed the dog came charging at me teeth and all and went to bite. It was barking, growling, snarling and all i thought was get the hell out of there. It took all my energy not to run. I was shaking like a leaf and almost in tears and i didn't dare look back in case it was following me. Eventually i turned around and it had gone. I got to the river bridge and just sat there trying to calm down. After a while i did and carried on home.

It was about 10 metres into my walk home i realised i had dropped my glasses. I had my sunglasses on and my glasses in my pocket. I can't see without them and loads of cars had gone passed. I pressumed they were squashed. I started walking back up the hill frantically looking for them then it dawned on me, i may bump into that dog again. This stressed me out even more. After a short while i spotted my glasses and thankfully they were intact.

I got home a stressed out gibbering wreck. In my opinion that dog needs to be kept tied up or have a muzzle because it is bloody dangerous.

I'm pleased to say my walk today was very uneventful. I got my magazine and i had a sit down in a field. That i can cope with.

Total so far: 396750
Total left to go: 603250

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I'm not being lazy...honest

I have been walking! I may not be blogging but i am walking. It's very slack of me not to blog i know and i apologise. I've been for three walks since Tuesday but as they have been late in the evening i have chosen to store them up and write about them all in one go. Let's be honest there isn't a lot that can happen in a couple of miles so i would be writing hardly anything.

On Thursday as i was walking passed the the river before i had a chance to try and remain hidden i disturbed a heron. It was a big brute of a thing. They look large when they are flying but they are rather on the large side close up too. It took one look at me and made it's escape with what looked like a fish dangling from it's beak.

As i walked passed a driveway staring at my phone from behind came the bark of a dog which made me jump. When i turned around i realised it was stalky dog from the other day only today it was running full pelt growling at me. As you can imagine i was a little anxious i was about to lose an ankle or arm but it stopped and went away. This made me slightly nervous for the return journey so i tip toed passed the driveway in the hope stalky growly dog was safely locked in the house. Luckily for me it was.

On Friday there were plenty of people out and about including one chap jogging in a shirt. Who goes for a jog in shorts and a shirt? A country gentleman it would seem. I'm not having much luck with dogs. As i was walking up the hill there was a couple walking down with their black lab which as soon as he saw me came at me like a greyhound being released from it's cage. The woman hollered down the road 'Don't worry he's friendly. He just wants to say hello.' I thought yea you would say that, your not the one with a huge blur of black tearing towards you barking! Anyway this dog called Jerry according to his owners very kindly jumped up at me bearing his teeth in what i assume was not a friendly smile. I had a chat with his owners for a few minutes which was nice by which time he had calmed down as had i.

On Saturday not much happened apart from two idiots racing through the village with their music up so loud i could hear it 1/4 mile away. I did bump into one lady who i regularly see walking her dog. This time rather than the customary hello she actually struck up a conversation with me. So people are obviously getting used to seeing me wandering through the countryside on my rambles. It's nice talking to random strangers sometimes.

Total so far: 383790
Total left to go: 616210

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Troublesome tuesday

I struggled today i must admit. I went to get my magazine as per usual as it's tuesday and getting to the shop was fine. My legs seemed to be in perfect working order. I did spend rather a long time chatting to people in the village. It makes me wonder if i seized up a little during these chin wags.

On the way home i thought i would never make it. My left leg/ankle was so painful for reasons unknown to me. I did do a lot of walking last week so i wonder if it was putting up some sort of protest. Anyway i did get home, obviously as i am writing this and i don't tend to carry my laptop around with me.

It was a bit of a race against the clouds as well. There was a horrible darkness hovering above me and it did begin to spit. Like a seansoned walker i went equipped for every eventuality. I had sunglasses. I didn't think it was going to rain so i didn't take my waterproof jacket and fortunately for me it didn't rain because everything including myself would have got rather wet.

Yesterday i went for an evening stroll. It was nice. I wasn't stalked by any strange dogs nor did i see any interesting wildlife. Actually i didn't see anything so it was a little boring.

Total so far: 372210
Total left to go: 627790

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Ever feel like your being followed?

I went for a walk yesterday as i tend to do at the minute. It was only a short walk which has become quite normal at the moment. When i don't feel like going for a longer stroll i tend to go for a short one. Since it's become the norm for me now i feel a bit guilty if i don't go for a walk at all so a shorter stroll eases that guilt a little.

Anyway i was wandering along minding my own business when i suddenly felt like i was being followed and i could hear a tapping noise behind me. Feeling suddenly nervous i turned around tentatively and there about five metres behind me was a scruffy looking dog. As soon as i turned around the dog also stopped. I thought ignore it and carry on so i did. A little further on i stopped and turned around and the dog was still there and it stopped dead in it's tracks again. I have no idea where it had come from because there was nobody around. I felt like i was being hunted and it was waiting to pounce. I had two options going through my mind as i carried on walking further than i intended, keep walking for another 5.5 miles or turn and walk back towards the dog. In the end i decided to turn around and walk towards the dog but it had gone. It vanished as mysteriously as it appeared.

As i neared home i saw my first fox hurrying along the edge of a field. I had seen something on the road from a distance which looked fox like so i assume it was the same one.

Today on my walk there were a few cyclists out and about. I really fancy getting on my bike but i'm a bit paranoid i might fall off and i really don't need any more injuries at the minute. There were five male ducks on the river but i didn't see the mother and her ducklings. It was a bit spitty as well. There were rain clouds above but fortunately they only threw out a few drops of rain. As i got to the railway bridge i stopped to have a look at the on going works and there was a deer creeping away into the bushes. I hadn't noticed it as i had walked passed and i wasn't quick enough to get my camera out and take a picture. It was very close for a deer so it would have been a decent picture unlike all of my other attempts.

Total so far: 359480
Total left to go: 640520

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

The wrong trousers

I went for a short stroll yesterday which was nice. At the river i saw the little ducklings briefly as their mother hurried them off to safety. One of them got left behind and was chirping rather loudly but finally managed to catch up with the rest of the brood. I only walked a couple of miles. It was my first day back at work yesterday and to be honest i was a little tired. If i'd have sat down for too long i would have probably nodded off which was another reason i went for a short stroll.

Today i went for a longer walk as i had a day off. Yes i know i've only been back at work one day but that's just the way it is. There were a lot of ominous looking black clouds hovering overhead but nothing came of them. It was deceptively warm as well, despite the the clouds and wind.

I usually wear jeans when i go for a walk. Today i chose to wear my combat type trousers as they are made of thinner material. There was one problem i had not forseen when i made this decision. The whole walk i either had them hanging around my bum like a youth hanging around the enterance to Co-op with his gang, pulling them up or my hands firmly wedged in my pockets in an attempt to keep them up. Let's just say it did not make my walk a pleasurable experience. Next time i shall dig out a belt or stick to my jeans which i know stay in the right place.

Total so far: 352100
Total left to go: 647900

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Doubling up

It appears at the moment i am saving my walks and writing about them in bulk. I have done it a couple of times and today is another one of those days.

Yesterdays stroll was an early evening affair. I managed to get home without having to walk through clouds of flying critters. I did however get blinded by the setting sun. This is not helpful when you are walking along a road for obvious reasons. I saw a squirrel for the first time (i think) but unfortunately it had met a grizzly end.

Today i thought it was going to rain so i put my waterproof jacket on and guess what? It didn't rain. I bet any money if i had not worn it i would have got soaked. At one point i went to get out of the way of an oncoming car and nearly landed backwards in a ditch. Unbeknown to me under the long grass was a hole which i proceeded to put my foot it. Fortunately my excellent poise and balance stopped me from getting a bruised bottom. Ah, my favourite stalker the RAF helicopter was back today. He came passed with his wheels lowered and was 10 metres if that from the road. It was lower than the trees. I must say it was a very quiet helicopter usually it roars across the sky.

Like most Tuesdays i walked to the shop to get my magazine and had a natter whilst i was there. There seemed to be a mothers meeting going on at the garage so i stopped there as well and had a chat.

In other news i found a squashed baby grass snake (sad face).

Total so far: 343510
Total left to go: 656490

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

It's 15 years since my grandad died. A long time has passed but i still miss him. The bluebells in my picture are for him.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Bungee jumping caterpillars

I've been quiet for a wee while. That's not to say i haven't been walking because i have. I just haven't blogged about it. Sometimes there is just nothing to say.

I went for a quick walk the other day which was uneventful. It was an unplanned early evening stroll. To be honest it wasn't too nice because all of the flying bugs had come out to play. Although it was nice temperature wise.

On friday i went to Oxford and i did a fair amount of walking but i didn't have my walking gadget turned on. Due to that i have no idea how far i walked so i can't add the valuable miles to my total. We live and learn.

Today was pretty windy but still quite warm. Apparently it was meant to rain but i haven't seen any dark clouds in the sky. Of that i am grateful after my soaking last week when i got caught in a thunder storm.

I got out of the way of an oncoming car and something caught my eye in the hedge. I went in for a closer look and it looked like a spiders nest type web but had these black stringy things on it. Being brave i got closer and discovered loads of tiny caterpillars on it. I was quite pleased it wasn't a nest of baby spiders. There are already too many of those eight legged freaks around.

On the subject of caterpillars, i was walking down the road and something else caught my eye. It looked like something floating in the air, which it was. I thought it was just a bit of leaf but the way it was floating around made me look closer. It was a caterpillar. Unless you got very close to it you wouldn't of seen the almost invisible caterpillar rope it was dangling from. It was as though it had just done a bungee jump and was waiting to be reeled back in. I tried to take a picture of it but it was moving around in the air so much i couldn't focus on it. Even so you can still see the blur of the caterpillar floating in the photo.

In other news i found a tiny Ugg boot and i got covered in mud trying to take a photo.

Total so far: 331830
Total left to go: 668170

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

It's all lies

So after a couple of days off i'm back to work. Sunday was spent watching the BTCC again and i went to the theatre to see Uncaged Monkeys which was excellent. I got to see Prof Brian Cox which made my day. No i'm not a nerd. Yesterday was a bank holiday and that is my only excuse for my bone idleness.

Any to the matter in hand. Now my left arm is free of it's casing i am on a mission to get it the same colour as my right. This is of course a shade of white marginally darker than Daz white.

There were plenty of bugs around today and i almost had a huge flying thing in my mouth. Luckily my mouth was shut at the particular moment the flying critter dive bombed my face.

Right now i have an issue. This saying that says when cows lie down it is going to rain is my problem. Everytime i walk passed the cows they are lying down. Now there are two options here, either the cows are incredibly lazy or it's poppycock. Actually forget the either, it's just poppycock. From now on if i see cows lying down i shall just assume they are sunbathing unless of course it is raining.

I was on form with the talking to myself today. In fact i actually told myself off for talking to myself too much. I'm not a crazy...honest.

Total so far: 322170
Total left to go: 677830

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Lost and found

You would think somebody would notice if they lost their boot. Unless they carry a spare pair around with them. What happened? Did whoever it was get home and someone point out they had no boot on one foot and that's when they realised? Lost boot person: 'Oh! Do you know, i thought i was limping a little after i walked through that mud.' Friend: 'Idiot.'

Anyway let's get away from me making up conversations that never existed. It was lovely today, apart from the wind. My hat nearly came off at one point it was blowing that much. There were quite a few people about as well which was nice.

The last few walks i've had my ipod on but i haven't sung along. I just wasn't in the mood, i was in a mood but not to sing. Today that all changed again and i was warbling away with all the skill and grace of a X Factor reject.

Here's an embarrassing admission for you, well two as it's on my ipod. Saturday Night (Whigfield) came on and after checking there was nobody within viewing distance i proceeded to do the little dance. Just thought i'd share that with you.

In other news i saw a fish and a moor hen.

Total so far: 314320
Total left to go: 685680

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Drowned rat

So after watching the royal wedding (shhhh don't tell anyone, i said i wasn't going to) and a trip to hospital ithought what a lovely day to go for a walk. I had a bite to eat and got changed. I looked outside and thought i'll wear my sunglasses as it was quite bright. I set out into what was nice weather.

Fast forward half an hour later. Whilst walking up the hill i thought blimey it's a bit dark so took my sunglasses off and turned around. What greated me was sudden darkness and cracks of thunder. I was over a mile from home and it looked like the rain had already hit there so i powered on up the hill. By the time i got to the top it was thumping down so i hid under a tree. Not a smart move i know. It didn't make good shelter so i thought sod it and started walking back down the hill.

Let's just say by the time i got home i was drenched. Fortunately i had a t-shirt on under my white t-shirt otherwise that could've been embarrassing! Of course it waited for me to step in the front door before stopping.

And this is what a soaking wet Tracey looks like.

Total so far: 309040
Total left to go: 690960

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Thursday, 28 April 2011


I wasn't going to go for a walk today. Yes i know i've been very slack this week. I couldn't tell you why i have not been out and about. The only reason i went for a walk today was because i found something out that annoyed me. Rather than staying in and letting my anger bubble silently away i put the energy to good use.

Another uneventful walk really. If it wasn't for the wind it would have been a scorcher. Mind you it was still pretty hot. My big mistake was not waiting long enough after i'd eaten so i felt somewhat weighed down. I also took an antihistamine this morning, not that it made any difference. I still sneezed and sniffed my way along.

It's difficult on days like this where nothing happens. I feel i should be writing really interesting things everytime i go out but that doesn't always happen. Instead i gibber on about nothing inparticular, as i am doing now. Ah actually the reason i didn't go for a walk yesturday was because i had been to the dentist and had half my face numbed. I didn't fancy dribbling my way around. Excuses, excuses.

In other news the ducks have had little ducklings, altogether now...awwwwwww.

Total so far: 303510
Total left to go: 696490

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

He looked a bit moody

It was quite chilly today. Obviously i got used to the heatwave we were having. It was 17 degrees according to my thermometer. It was quite a grey day really. I even took my brolly just in case there was a sudden downpour but it never came even though it looked like it was going to. The one benefit i did notice quite quickly was that there were less flying critters about.

I saw my first hare. As i came around the corner it saw me with it's beady eyes and darted off. They are huge.

I may have pointed out before how i wasn't too impressed with the camouflage of the male pheasant but it's quite effective in two foot high rape seed. Let's just say the unexpected screech from the side of me resulted in a small shocked jump.

There were a lot of cows about today all of which were lying down which i established means it's going to rain. Lies, all lies. Mind you when i came back they were all stood up. Make your minds up! They were at the fence next to the gate so i went over to say hello, as you do. Cows are very nosey nevermind smelly. Well i thought they were cows until i saw horns on some of them. I won't be walking through that field in a hurry.

Do the recycling lorries not have some sort of covers for wherever the rubbish is kept? You know when they have been around because the sides of the roads are covered in peoples recycling. It's ridiculous, do they not notice there is half as much in their lorry by the time they get to wherever they are going? Todays top 3 types of rubbish: At number 3 frozen food packets which was just beaten by easter egg boxes at number 2 but at number 1 this week is cigarette packets. It's bad enough people throwing stuff out of their car window, they don't need any help from the council.

A farmer was spraying his fields with some disgusting smelling fluid which i had the misfortune of inhaling. I hope it wasn't something nasty.

In other news i danced down the road without realising a car was behind me. Mortified. It must be getting warmer, Mr Whippy is making a regular appearance. I got cow snot in an open cut on my hand.

Total so far: 298170
Total left to go: 701830

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Friday, 22 April 2011


According to the thermometer when i set out on my walk it was 25 degrees. Upon my arrival back home i was informed it was 26 degrees. Whatever the temperature at the moment it is making this walking lark a whole lot harder.

There were lots of people out and about today either walking or cycling. It made it feel like a saturday. Everyone is always so friendly saying hello as you pass bye or sometimes engaging in conversation. Talking of cycling i've noticed i've started to get a bit of an urge to go for a ride. Obviously that is not going to happen for many reasons but it would be nice to go for a little pedal around.

At one point i was walking along and something made me look over my left shoulder. It was then i was confronted with a huge beetle that had decided to hitch a ride. Fortunately it flew off rather sharpish. Beetles don't bother me and so i didn't make a fuss. If on the other hand it had been a spider i would have cried, screamed, flapped about and all sorts of other hysterical behaviour.

A RAF plane which appeared to have taken off from Brize Norton flew over quite low so i tried to take a picture. I couldn't see my screen because of the sun which was a hinderance. In fact such a hinderance the only pictures i got were of the blue sky.

Those horses that i previously said were not nice confirmed that fact today. I know that when their ears are flattened back they aren't happy. What about when they bob their head up and down? This horse kept following me and doing that and just generally looked quite intimidating. I was grateful for the tiny electric fence that parted us although if it had wanted to could quite easily have jumped over.

One thing i did notice today was that i didn't suffer half as much with the hayfever. Maybe it was because i went out later?

In other news i really craved an ice cream.

Total so far: 290390
Total left to go: 709610

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Devils flower

Note: My title does not relate to the one pictured.

My walk started off on rather a morbid note today. As i was walking passed a field full of sheep with their bouncing baby lambs i stopped to watch them scampering about. This was when i noticed a wheelbarrow to my left with a dead sheep slumped inside. Lovely.

I have never really suffered with hayfever so why has it attacked me with a vengeance this year? Is it making up for all those missed opportunities? Whatever the reason i absolutely hate it. Within 10 minutes of being outside i was sneezing and wheezing like an asthmatic. This eventually led to coughing and i lost my voice. I suspect it was the horrid rape seed as my symptoms calmed down a little in the less yellow areas. Ban the bloody stuff i say.

It's been a little while since i was last flow over at a scarily low height by the RAF helicopter but it made an appearance today. I swear they aim for me on purpose because every time i'm in a different place. Maybe they are attracted to the glowing orange beacon that is on my head?

I saw some rabbits at quite close quarters but before i could get my phone out to take a picture a bird flew over and spooked them.

A white van drove passed me beeping with an arm stuck out of the window waving. I have no idea who it was and i didn't wave back. It's not often or indeed at all i recognise somebody from their arm. Better luck next time stranger.

In other news a bug was making a dash for my cast but i successfully managed to flick it off before it crawled up there. If it had have succeeded i would have cried.

Total so far: 285100
Total left to go: 714900

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot

Well my walk started off very well today. First of all i stood on a rock which i nearly went over on but kicked it forward so ended up standing on it again. The last thing i need is a twisted ankle. Then two pugs decided to nip at my ankles. Cute as they are they are not when they are under your feet trying to nibble at your legs. Finally a bee manage to navigate passed my sunglasses and hit me in the eye. Fortunately it wasn't bottom end first, that would've hurt.

It was very hot today. I didn't wear a hat because i thought that being gone 4pm it would be okay. How wrong i was. Most of the way home i was walking into the sun and it was giving me a wicked headache. I managed to hide away under some trees eventually. If i feel as hot as i did today when i'm in Brunei i am screwed. It was 20 odd degrees and i was struggling. It's not looking good.

The cows that were laid down yesturday were in the river in what i assume was some sort of attempt to cool down. I don't blame them it did look cool and refreshing but there's no way you'd find me paddling in a river.

I wonder if this making me shrink at all or speeding up the shrinking process?

Total so far: 277230
Total left to go: 722770

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Monday, 18 April 2011

I saw a baby dragon

It was quite windy today but i think that was a blessing in disguise because i think if it hadn't have been it would have been rather warm. It was nice actually, not to windy and not too hot.

Yesturday was a day off purely because i spent the day watching the motorsport on tv. The F1 was good for a change and the BTCC was even better. Cars were pinging off left right and centre in the touring cars. My heart was in my mouth when Jason Plato rolled his car but fortunately he was okay. It just goes to show how safe the cars are these days.

As i was walking along i looked down and saw a dandelion and had a childhood flashback. It took me back to when i had my albino rabbit Topsy and picking leaves for him to eat. Only in the last few years did i discover that my other rabbit had died. I was only little and i remember my dad taking it away and telling me that it was a wild rabbit, that's why it kept escaping. He was going to set it free so it would be happier. I couldn't believe it when he confessed and told me it was actually dead but they didn't want to upset me.

There was something i kept meaning to take a picture of but thought i'd do it next time. I kept repeating this and today i walked by and discovered it had gone. It's just typical, you wait but after having numerous opportunities you find that your chance has gone. The moral of this story, do something when you first think of it.

In a field some cows have appeared which were lying down. I can't remember the old saying but does that mean it's going to rain?

The horses were all just stood absolutely still when i walked passed. It was almost as though they were playing their own game of musical statues. Bizarre.

In other news a bumblebee flew into the back of my head and there was a bird that looked like a baby dragon. I suspect it was not.

Total so far: 271940
Total left to go: 728060

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 16 April 2011


One thing that i have noticed in the last few weeks is that the fields and grass verges are becoming increasingly yellow. They are covered in dandelions. It did make me wonder if dandelion and burdock is actually made with dandelions? Plus what is burdock? I think this is a case for wikipedia. Yellow is definately a spring colour what with the daffodils, dandelions and rape seed.

Today i actually came across someone riding a horse on a bridle path for the first time. There are loads of horses around where i live so i would have thought i'd have seen more. In fact i haven't seen many people riding.

I came across a couple of dogs which were soaking wet and i could see that look in their eyes. I thought don't even think about it. I had visions of them both bouncing over and jumping up at me. Fortunately they stayed well away.

My walking shoes may have come to the end of their life. They are very comfortable but i'm getting some evil blisters from them. I may have to invest in some new ones to save my feet. Well i say feet i only get blisters on one of my feet. I must walk funny?

In other news, today was the first day i went for a walk without a hat on.

Total so far: 266670
Total left to go: 733330

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Another pretty uneventful days strolling.

A car came at me at some speed so i did my best to get onto the practically vertical grass bank next to me. It's not like i'm invisible. I do worry that one of these days i'm going to get mowed down by some idiot. In the mean time i do my best to keep out of their way. My excursion left me bleeding as i lost my footing and went sideways with my hand landing on some sort of thorny plant. At least i didn't land on my bad hand, now that would have been annoying.

There were lots of ducks about today. I don't know where they have all come from. In one of the fields i crossed there was a male and female. I managed to get relatively close before they flew off in a panic. You might be able to see the duck shaped dots in my picture.

In other news i was walking along when i heard one of those shepherdy type whistles and a dog running at full pelt appeared from the hedge just in front of me. Honestly it doesn't do my nerves any good when things like that happen.

Total so far: 261390
Total left to go: 738610

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Today i went passed the 250,000 metre mark! I'm a quarter of the way there!

It was a largely uneventful walk. My main aim was to get to the shop and buy my magazine. I got there and i couldn't find it but it was just hiding. I'm not going to say what it is because it's my secret indulgence. I resisted the temptation to buy cake this time. Is it possible i am developing some will power?

The lambs in the field are so cute. I stood looking over the hedge at a couple lazing in the shade. Their mum saw me and started bleating like nobodies business. I think she thought i was a threat even though i was miles away. Anyway she started looking mean and eyeballing me so i moved on and left them in peace.

There was a chap talking his dog for a walk and it was lovely. I didn't know what breed it was so i asked and he told me it was a Red Setter. What a gorgeous creature he was. The dog not the chap.

In other news a small yappy type dog came at me and i swallowed a fly.

Total so far: 256130
Total left to go: 743870

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Monday, 11 April 2011

April showers

I was just about to go out today and the skies opened up. It absolutely chucked it down. Typical. There was plenty of time throughout the day but no it had to rain when i wanted to go out. Fortunately it didn't last long. I did however, put my waterproof jacket on just in case. Of course after i had been walking for a little while the sun came out so i boiled.

I decided to go without my ipod today. I don't know why, i just felt like it. To be honest i found it very strange, quiet. Yes i could hear the noisy birds and the nice birds but i could also hear the traffic from the main road. As nice as it is hearing the chirping of the birds i think i'll stick to my ipod from now on. Talking of birds, after hearing a noise horrible enough to make your ears bleed aka a pheasant, i wondered how far away their holler travels?

The hedgerows are full of life now. Lots of pretty little flowers and sticky grass plus the customary nettles. They are so green and lush and at certain points the blossom from the hedge floats off and covers the road like some sort of flowery snow.

In other news, the rape seed is starting to release it's hideous odour, i was harrassed by a bumblebee and there was a sqeaky tree.

Total so far: 248110
Total left to go: 751890

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Living on the edge

I was living on the edge today, i wore a t-shirt. I actually exposed my Daz white arms to the sun in the hope i turned a darker shade of white. I say arms but of course i mean arm. At least i'll be able to prove any change in colour by comparing arms.

My headphones broke yesturday so i had to resort to my normal ones. This resulted in me constantly having to put them back in my ears because they keep falling out. My others are the sort that wrap around you ear thus preventing them from falling out. Not very interesting but this isn't meant to be interesting. Well it is to a point but it is about what happens on my walks, whether it's fascinating or yawn inducing.

I saw a bi-plane and it made me wonder, what would be worse a parachute jump or wing walking? To be honest for me both would be as bad as each other. At least with wing walking you have your feet firmly planted on something.

When i walk i listen to my music and it amazes me how when you hear a song it can transport you to a time long forgotten. It accesses a memory you had pushed to the very corners of your mind. The same happens with smells. It happened to me today i smelt the smell of some sort of plant and it took me stright back to being a kid. The brain is an amazing piece of kit.

In other news i have a fear that one of these days one of the many spiders i see crawling around at high speed is going make a bee line for the inside of my trouser leg. I was very naughty and bought cake on the way home.

Total so far: 242430
Total left to go: 757570

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Spot the deer

Well i was walking along as you do, minding my own when suddenly i stopped and didn't move. In one of the fields is what i suspect a drainage ditch. As i was walking over the little bridge i looked to my left and there well hidden among the twiggyness was a bambi. It had been having a drink when i came ambling along. Anyway it stared at me and i stared at it slowly trying to get my phone out to take a picture. Then once i had i slowly walked away trying not to scare it. It must have only been 15 metres away which i what i consider close. If you look carefully at my picture you might be able to see it.

There literally wasn't a cloud in the sky when i started walking, which was nice. Not even the trails from a plane, it was completely bare.

It all happened today. A helicopter was heading in my direction and i thought it was rather low. As it got closer i could see it was that RAF chopper that has obviously taken a shine to me. It flew straight over my head and can't have been 20 metres above my head. That's twice it's flow that low over me now. On the subject of helicopters, i still can't believe i flew in one of those things. A silver one flew over in the direction of Oxford and i did wonder if it was Mr Plato on his way home from somewhere. Then i came to my senses.

In other news, i think i saw some little fish in the river and the railway workers have made some good progress.

Total so far: 231950
Total left to go: 768050

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Blimey it's warm

The end of last week and the weekend was a little unexpected and so i neglected my walking duties. Not an excuse but a fact and i'm back on track now.

What a lovely day. It was nice and sunny and rather warm, 18 degrees apparently. This did pose a little problem for me and i expect will do in the near future. Do i have my good arm uncovered and potentially get some colour into my Daz white arm or do i keep it covered so it matches the pasty pale poorly one? I went with uncovered today. I also feel like in this nice sunny weather i should wear shorts but i wouldn't want to blind someone with the reflection of my white legs and cause an accident.

Aw it's that time of year where the little lambs appear and aren't they cute. It is also that time of year when you can see that most off the fields have been planted with rape seed. Oh joy. I may have to confine my walks to a treadmill indoors somewhere until they get rid of it. There is a huge difference in the fields. A few weeks ago they were brown and now they are all full of green.

In other news there was a pheasant cooking on the side of the road, it was like something out of a horror film. It looks like the railway workers are actually doing something. The river looked rather inviting in the heat and i got asked why i was wearing a hat.

Total so far: 223430
Total left to go: 776570

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Who remembers the NES?

So what happened today? Well there was that WW2 type military plane flying around again this time it looked like it had been rescued by the aviation equivalent of the RAC. There was a little orange plane flying in front of it. Very strange. I did try to take a picture but in my haste i missed it completely. I could put the picture of the blank sky on here and you can have a game of spot the plane.

I must say it was very windy today. Walking against it must do you some good because it makes everything twice as bloody hard. Of course had i gone in the other direction it would have been pushing me along which would have been far nicer.

There was a duck asleep on the river bank, well it was until it noticed me. There does seem to be an awful lot about at the minute. Three flew across the sky and i had a flashback to playing Duck Hunt on the NES all those years ago. Ah memories. You can tell your getting old when you start to reminisce.

In other news my dictaphone was rendered useless by the wind and a chinook flew over.

Total so far: 213490
Total left to go: 786510

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Bloody weather

So today was delightful sunshine or it was until i was part way through my walk. I had got about 1.7 miles into it when all of a sudden there was a growl of thunder befitting of one of those sky emptying of all its contents moments. As a result i quickly got a move on. By the time i was nearing the village i was heading for it was spitting. Rain and plaster casts do not mix. It was at this point i turned my walk into a run. I got to the shop an not long after it started to bucket down. Fortunately despite my protests i got a lift home which saved me a soaking, thanks Gill. Now that i am home guess what? It's fine again. Bloody weather.

On my travels i decided to take a bag because the amount of things i am needing to carry appears to be increasing. It has its positives but i find because i'm not carrying my water i'm not drinking it as much. Also it's a bit cumbersome whilst trying to sprint from the rain clouds.

I was thinking whilst i was walking, once upon a time i would have got in my car to go to the shop. It's only 2.5 miles away (5 mile round trip) which isn't really that far. Some days it feels like it's a million miles away but in reality it's just across a few fields. Shows how lazy i was before i started this walking.

So in conclusion i didn't walk very far today which i am very disappointed about but i guess every little helps.

Total so far: 208190
Total left to go: 791810

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Monday, 28 March 2011

200,000 metres!

Yay! I've reached 200,000 metres or just over 124 miles. That's 1/5th of the total. It saonds a lot better than 1/10th which was my last milestone. Even better will be 250,000 which will be 1/4 of the total. Gradually the number i have left to walk is coming down. Big cheesy grin :-D

When i go for my walks i always have a bottle of water with me and into that water goes some Berocca. Don't ask me why but that's what i do. Well i was wondering today, does it actually do me any good? Would i be better with just water? Answers on a postcard.

Why in some fields are there trees randomly plonked in the middle? When you look most fields are clear of anything but there are the odd ones that have a tree just stood righ in the middle. Why don't the farmers chop them down? Surely it would make sense because they would have a tiny bit more land and they wouldn't have to go around them. I have never understood this.

I was walking down the road and all of a sudden from the grass verge came a sound like a Gordon the Gopher puppet. I kid ye not. Whatever it was there were two of them which were brown and they chased each other up the grass verge. Gordon the Gopher now that takes me back.

There are some horses in a field near me and today they decided to come and investigate. One was a little aprehensive and didn't come too close the other came right up to the gate. I presume it was going to put it's head over the gate but knocked it's chin right on top of it which scared it away. I do love the smell of horses, no idea why.

As i got to the railway bridge a tiny two carriage train came along so i stood on the top and waited for it to go under. As it got closer i waved to the driver and he waved back. Which was nice.

Total so far: 203850
Toatl left to go: 796150

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Unlike Kate Bush i walk up the hill

So i went for one of my long walks today which inevitably lead to me hobbling home with feet full of blisters. I have tried several different types of footwear and it didn't make any difference. Today i just wore my normal shoes and put tape around the parts of my feet that are usually affected. Amazing, i got home and not a blister in sight. Something so simple which begs the question why didn't i think of it before?

I have added another bird to my noisy bastard list. The woodpecker. The noise is not as harsh as the pheasant and crow but it is persistent. I can imagine listening to that for too long would get really annoying hence it is on my list.

It was a bit of a weird day today. The temperature felt really warm, that muggy horrible type but it was foggy. I thought it was going to be cold. There was a nice breeze which was refreshing.

I had the most bizarre experience ever. Whilst i was walking along i disturbed a kestrel which flew up onto the hedge. It can't have been more than a few metres away from me. Anyway it obviously felt that was too close for comfort so flew off across the road but the came straight at me. The kestrel was flying straight for my head, it was like a bizarre game of chicken. I just stood there transfixed and it must have got to about five or six feet away before it turned sharply away to it's left. It's moments like that when you wish you could plug your brain into the tv and replay it for eveyone to see.

Total so far: 198480
Total left to go: 801520

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

When bumblebees attack

Nice day again. Anyone would think it was spring. I've noticed lots of butterflies around. The weather must be getting better. I think i'm going to have to start taking some hayfever remedies because i really suffered today. Is it the thing where everyone must suffer from hayfever at some point in their life because i never used to.

One thing that did annoy me today was when i looked over the river bridge somebody had thrown their rubbish in there. What is wrong with people?! If you don't need it put it in the bin or take it to the tip. Don't toss it on the side of the road it's just bloody lazy.

Following on from a comment i made yesturday about the noisy crows it would appear pheasants are just as bad if not worse. Also because the grass is growing you can see where the wildlife have little footpaths of their own. Well trodden animal paths through fields, up verges and through hedges. You never see anything using them though.

One of my dictaphone entries was: Dickhead boy racer. I needn't say anymore.

Near the end of my walk i was minding my own when i started being harrassed by a rather large bumblebee. Now my question to it was, do i look like a flower? I ran away from said bumblebee and initially thought i had been successful in my attepmt. That was until i realised it had hitched a lift on my back.

In other news, road kill seems to be on the increase.

Total so far: 188720
Total left to go: 811280

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I have a new toy

Well i purchased a little gadget the other day and it arrived today in the post. Normally i go for my walks and i have to remember things to write on my blog. Not any more because i have a dictaphone. So today i shall transcribe what i said on my wander. I apologise in advance for the bad language.

By the way it was a lovely day, clear skies and really rather warm. Anyway my thoughts:

1. Wearing a white t-shirt is really not good because i'm getting covered in bugs.

2. There's an inhaler in the field. I hope nobody needs it.

3. Walking along talking to a dictaphone i suppose doesn't look as worryingly mental as walking along just chatting to myself.

4. Watching some sort of bird of prey trying to unsuccessfully catch some thermals. (laughs) Shouldn't laugh really. If i were a bird i couldn't do it.

5.(laughing a lot) I just waved a somebody because i thought it was somebody i knew. (laughs a lot more) Oh dear. I bet that confused him, well the look on his face was confused. (laughing) Note from now on i won't wave at people.

6. There's a male and female duck on the river. I wonder if one day i'm gonna come done and there'll be little baby ducks?

7. Are planes like motorbikes? When there's good weather there's loads of them about because there seems to be load of planes.

8. I think somebodies WD40'd the gate because it seems rather easy to open. Unlike the rest of the times i've gone through it.

9. Crows are noisy bastards aren't they.

10. Watching a bird of prey catch some thermals. Bit more successful than the other one unless it's the same one. It's actually quite impressive. It's quite a big bird of prey, i don't know what it is. It's not a kite i know that. I wonder if it's a buzzard? I don't know but watching that in the clear sky, f***ing bugs, erm, it looks quite amazing really.

11. Bumped into a lady well i kind of passed her on the beginning of my walk and we've crossed paths again. Just stood chatting for a while, it was kinda nice and she asked about why i'm doing my walk. It's nice that somebodies showing an interest. Listening to the skylarks, oh, and she told me that the birds catching the thermals are buzzards. I was right, yay. Nice little chat really. She thought i was, she saw me in the distance and thought i was a noticeboard. Well i am walking around with this t-shirt on, advertising CRY. Bloody hot.

12. Just noticed i haven't been stalked by the err RAF helicopter today. Bit disappointed.

13. WTF! There are like corn on the cobs all over the place. Is somebody going for a walk and having a munch at the same time? They're along here, they're up the road. What? I don't understand. Is there some sort of corn related shenanigans going on that i don't know about? Bizarre.

14. Do you know some people are just f***ing ignorant. How hard is it to move over a tiny little bit like onto your side of the f***ing road? Rather than aiming at me. Aw pisses me off. It's not even as though you can't see me either with my white t-shirt on. I'm hardly camouflaged. F***ing people, i'm not saying i'm perfect when i'm driving but i don't aim at people walking.

15. There be a chinook coming towards me. F*** me that's loud. Awww i knew the RAF would stalk me before the end of my walk. They're big buggers aren't they. I don't feel quite so disappointed now. I wonder if they're doing manouv....God it's bloody loud. I think he is doing manouvers. It's that low you can see the windows. That is what you get with living here. I don't know what it's got to do with here. They seem to like playing around in the fields. Oh it's going over towards 'Call Me Dave's'. I don't know what's in that direction.

16. Just got really close to a bloody pheasant and a car came and scared the bastard off.

17. Road kill No. 3 - A worm.

So you get an idea of how much i actually talk to myself when i'm off on my wanders. My language became increasingly worse as i got closer to home. The problem with writing it down is you don't get to here the actual expressions in my voice which add to it.

Total so far: 183390
Total left to go: 816610

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Who can you trust?

I was walking along next to a field full of sheep and i noticed one staring at me with it's beady eyes. This sheep was laid on the ground eating. How hard is a sheeps life that it has to lie down to eat?

There was a pheasant strolling along which i didn't see until i saw a blur out of the corner of my eye. Seriously this pheasant was fast and it went in just the one direction in a straight line. Which begs the question, why when they run out into the road do they walk at a snails pace and can't make up their mind which way to turn? Clearly they are capable of running at pace so bloody do it rather than ended up as a cloud of feathers.

I was just about to walk down a bridlepath when a bloke emerged from the other side of the road and started to walk rather slowly the way i was going to go. Now i thought not a chance and carried on up the road. He was probably minding his own business on a wander as i was but i just didn't trust him. I don't particularly want to end up as another statistic and because of that i am not going to take any chances. It is sad that you can't go for a walk without being suspicious of people. Especially as i think of how i roamed about as a child without a second thought. Is the media to blame for making us more aware of 'disappearances'?

In other news i swallowed what must have been my own body weight in bugs. They were everywhere and i even had a little fan club following me for a while. Also an old WW2 type aircraft flew over, i couldn't tell you what it was but it was going so slow i thought it might fall out of the sky. Finally i came across my second roadkill. It looked like a flattered piece of horse dung but on closer inspection was a toad/frog. It was hard to tell.

Total so far: 177980
Total left to go: 822020

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Monday, 21 March 2011

I'm back

Well it has been a wee while since i last wrote anything which means it's been a wee while since i went for a walk. The reason being i went back to work. Not a brilliant excuse but having not done any proper work for a while because of my poorly wrist it was a shock to the system. Anyway it didn't work out (apparently) so i am off again. Which is not what i want at all but at least i can crack on with my walking. You have to look for positives. Plus i was letting my huge blister heal. I had more blister than foot which was becoming quite painful.

The walk wasn't that great what with my mood being a bit down and the overcast weather. My music couldn't drown out my thoughts and there was a severe lack of singing. I shall endeavour to rectify that on my next walk. I'll have to stick some ABBA on, that'll get me going.

Nothing interesting happened really. The RAF helicopter was stalking me again or as they probably refer to it, doing maneuvers. The badger has gone. I presume it's either been eaten or removed by someone.

Total so far: 171990
Total left to go: 828010

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

X marks the spot

I nearly didn't go for a walk today but as ever i dragged my bum out of the door. It was a nice sunny day with clear skies except an X left behind by a couple of planes. When i came back it had all but gone.

The more i walk the more my legs hurt. I don't mean when i go for a walk i mean just in general. Part of me is slightly concerned i may be wearing my knees out. I have never known them to clunk and click so much. Today i thought this challenge is either going to be completed with great success or it is going to kill me. Maybe i will complete it (that is my intention!) but will be in a sorry state for it. I hope not.

I saw a couple of ducks on the river and passed a few walkers. Other than that it was a mostly uneventful stroll. I didn't even talk to myself that much. That makes me sound a bit crazy, nevermind.

Total so far: 166680
Total left to go: 833320

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

First sign of madness

What a lovely day it was today. The sun was out and the birds were chirping. In fact such a lovely day i went for a walk. Again.

My pace today was pretty good. I did the first two miles in 35 minutes which i was impressed with as most of that is up a bloody great hill. Although the more i walk the more i find these huge hills seem to flatten themselves out. Seriously it is almost as though i'm getting fitter with every day that passes. I don't want to believe it myself in case it's just a figment of my imagination. Anyway i walked 6.04 miles in 1 hour 46 mins which i think is bloody good going for a mere amateur like myself.

I listen to my iPod as i'm walking. There's nothing like singing at the top of your voice and then realising that there is someone walking behind you. It has happened! As well as listening to music i have found that i talk to myself. First sign of madness many may say. Too late i lost my marbles a long time ago. I think in some instances i do it to give myself encouragement if i'm struggling sometimes i must just fancy a one sided conversation. What would be more embarrassing, singing to your self or talking to yourself? I don't care to be honest. Maybe one day i will record one of my walks on camera.

Other things that happened. I stood on two railway bridges and two trains went under now that is what i call timing. Not at the same time obviously that's just laughable. I saw a few ramblers sitting in a field eating their packed lunches. I now have a blister upon a blister upon a blister which really hurts. Oh and the badger didn't smell quite as rancid.

Total so far: 161090
Total left to go: 838910

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Friday, 11 March 2011

The stench of death

The badger was still there, a little duller than the last time. It wasn't until i got closer that you could not only see it but smell its presence. That stayed with me for the rest of my walk, like it was chasing me through the fields.

As i crossed the railway bridge there were men walking up the line. I assume they were there to do some work or maybe they had finished. It seems to have been abandoned since the snow and every time i have walked passed nothing appears to have changed. Who knows, they may finally be finishing what they started.

It was a dull day today, it didn't really inspire me. I haven't really felt inspired at all lately, having to force myself out of the door. When i started it was all new and fun but that seems to have vanished. Maybe i'm going through a bad phase? I hope it is a phase because i don't fancy doing the rest of this walk feeling obliged to do it. I started of doing it because i wanted to do it and that's how i want to finish it.

Total so far: 151370
Total left to go: 848630

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Motivation (lack of)

Not really a good day today. It took a lot to drag my sorry backside out of the door. My legs are still in protest from the last two days. I think i will have a day off tomorrow and see if that helps.

I saw my first badger today unfortunately it was also my first encounter with road kill. It wasn't squashed or anything it just looked like it was asleep on the side of the road. Looked like it was a young one, i hope it didn't suffer.

In other wildlife news i startled two pheasants which in turn scared the life out of me. They were hiding in the reeds and as i stomped passed they both shot up into the air making that awful shrieking sound pheasants make. My heart nearly came out of my chest at the shock as well as a couple of expletives from my mouth.

Total so far: 146070
Total left to go: 853930

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

No pain, no gain.

Wow my legs really suffered today.

Yesturday i went to Oxford and did some exploring which included climbing up and down a tall tower with a very tiny spiral staircase. I think that is what did me in today. I probably shouldn't have done a 6.5 mile walk in hindsight but no pain, no gain.

Today was the first day i got to wear my nice new t-shirt. CRY sent me a pack consisting of sponsor forms, media guide, info leaflets, a pen, wristband and a t-shirt. I already managed to get some sponsors on my sponsor forms. It must be my flashy new t-shirt. I must say thank you to CRY for sending me all of this to help me in my mission to raise money for them.

I really struggled to get home to be honest. My legs were giving up on me towards the end but i still managed to get home in under 2 hours despite stopping several times. Could it be that i'm getting fitter? Am i really achieving my new years resolution?

Total so far: 140780
Total left to go: 859220

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Friday, 4 March 2011


It's sunny! And guess what it's not cold!

I opted to go without my coat today and just have my shirt and jumper. Well i ended up taking my jumper off i was that hot. Now i don't know if that's because i've got a bit of a cold or if it was genuinely that warm.

To be honest i nearly didn't go out today. Yesturday i felt awful so didn't go anywhere. I must admit i do feel better from the fresh air. Whether it will actually do me any good at the moment is another question.

Nobody got anything done by sitting around on their bum. I have a lot to do if i'm going to walk 1000km.

Both my walking shoes and boots are starting to give me nasty blisters which may be a problem. It's not nice when you feel a blister brewing and you know you have a way to go before you get home.

Total so far: 130370
Total left to go: 869630

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A long stroll

Today i walked the furthest i've walked so far. 6.07 miles is a bloody long way when half of it is uphill.

It was lovely and sunny but quite chilly at times. I was checking my phone whilst gazing across the fields and a lady stopped because she thought i was taking pictures and was going to offer to take one of me. What a kind gesture from a complete stranger.

As i was walking up the road someone i know stopped and asked me if i was on my travels again. Upon my confirmation of this said 'You won't be needing a lift then'.

I popped in the shop to pick up my magazine and a sausage roll. Well it's hungry work all of this walking so i thought i'd treat myself to some unhealthy fuel. The sausage roll was only purchased because there was one there and they are yummy. It looked so lonely sat there on it's own.

At one point on the way home i was nearly at the top of the hill and i could see 7 different villages/hamlets. All scattered amongst green fields. When you look at a view like that it makes me wonder why on earth anyone would want to live in a city?

It was a nice walk albeit painful. I had developed a nasty blister by the time i got home. One thing that does spoil it a little is the amount of rubbish on the sides of the road, mindlessly tossed from a car window or dropped by a pedestrian. It's a shame.

Total so far: 124910
Total left to go: 875090

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Pinch, Punch, 1st of the month

Well we are in March already! This year seems to be going quickly.

I went for a stroll today as it was chucking down with rain yesturday. It was very windy though and deceptively cold.

It's been a few days since i last went for a wander so i did feel it a little going up the hills. That'll teach me for having a break.

There wasn't really anything interesting today. I passed a couple of joggers, not my thing running. There was a massive dog paw print in the mud the size of my hand. I kid you not, it was huge. Well i presume it was a dog, you never know with all these big cat sightings.

I did think it might rain but fortunately it didn't although i did have my trusty carrier bag to stick over my arm if it did. When i got home i discovered that said carrier had holes in it. That would have been interesting.

Total so far: 115140
Total left to go: 884860

Visit http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Ashworth82 to donate.